

Trusted Member
Dec 29, 2018
Was thinking of having a forum where ectomorphs could share tips and advice of any kinds including effective training  routines, best supplements, gear,  before and after shots....  Whatever comes to mind that could be shared . 

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Ectomorph is a state of mind.  Eat enough of the proper food and you will grow.

oh year and gear really helps.


A former ectomorph

Lol, just being funny, but if you want to grow here are a few tips I found worked for me.

-you need to get over the idea that either you eat a lot, which you likely don’t, or that you are worried about getting fat.  Which if you do, is really easy to get rid of

-you need to keep training volume low.  12 sets for big body parts, 8 for small.  After warmup, every set is failure or beyond.  You usually have to drop weight or reps between sets.  When I was young I went realky heavy low reps, now higher reps like 12-14

-dont expend any extra energy, so no cardio while trying to grow.  Avoid stimulants like ephedrine,  it just increases the amount you need to eat.

- eat fatty foods, milk.  Lean steak and chicken breast are for endomorphs, lol, eat thighs, fatty steaks, 4% cottage cheese, 2% milk.  When I was young and natural and wanted to grow really bad, I almost drank 4 litres of milk a day, plus a ton of juice on top of my meals.  Oh I farted all the time, had diarrhea every couple of weeks from the milk, but I put on 30 lbs in 8 months natural,

-train daily if you can but split up bodyparts.  Depending on your job depends on how you split things.  I’ve always worked heavy labour so other than arms each body part had a separate day.

- and the biggest one, since it is easy for ectomorphs to get a good beach body, if you want to get big, you can’t be lazy.  So going off track and eating Pringle’s instead of your proper meals, or taking time off because you want to drink all summer will not work.  It is difficult to get huge as an ecto, but possible if you are very strict. This I know because, well, that’s pretty much what I did for years.

Everyones body is a bit different so you need to learn you.  Your digestion system may not take milk, your joints may be too small and need time to get stronger before laying it all out training.

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Lol, just being funny, but if you want to grow here are a few tips I found worked for me.

-you need to get over the idea that either you eat a lot, which you likely don’t, or that you are worried about getting fat.  Which if you do, is really easy to get rid of

-you need to keep training volume low.  12 sets for big body parts, 8 for small.  After warmup, every set is failure or beyond.  You usually have to drop weight or reps between sets.  When I was young I went realky heavy low reps, now higher reps like 12-14

-dont expend any extra energy, so no cardio while trying to grow.  Avoid stimulants like ephedrine,  it just increases the amount you need to eat.

- eat fatty foods, milk.  Lean steak and chicken breast are for endomorphs, lol, eat thighs, fatty steaks, 4% cottage cheese, 2% milk.  When I was young and natural and wanted to grow really bad, I almost drank 4 litres of milk a day, plus a ton of juice on top of my meals.  Oh I farted all the time, had diarrhea every couple of weeks from the milk, but I put on 30 lbs in 8 months natural,

-train daily if you can but split up bodyparts.  Depending on your job depends on how you split things.  I’ve always worked heavy labour so other than arms each body part had a separate day.

- and the biggest one, since it is easy for ectomorphs to get a good beach body, if you want to get big, you can’t be lazy.  So going off track and eating Pringle’s instead of your proper meals, or taking time off because you want to drink all summer will not work.  It is difficult to get huge as an ecto, but possible if you are very strict. This I know because, well, that’s pretty much what I did for years.

Everyones body is a bit different so you need to learn you.  Your digestion system may not take milk, your joints may be too small and need time to get stronger before laying it all out training.
I like a lot of this advice.

Coming from a guy who was 140lbs all through high school and now sit in the mid 260s in ok shape its all about mindset. 

The only thing Id say different is in regards to cardio - use it at appropriate times to help stimulate appetite 

I was an ectomorph. 6”4 and 170 back in the day

I wouldn’t worry about these labels. They’re nothing more then a starting point.

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I like a lot of this advice.

Coming from a guy who was 140lbs all through high school and now sit in the mid 260s in ok shape its all about mindset. 

The only thing Id say different is in regards to cardio - use it at appropriate times to help stimulate appetite 
I weighed 110 in grade 12.  Started weight training when I was 22 and weighed 120, after about 2 months and a lot of reading magazines I started to grow. 6 months later I was 160 but my fat levels were higher, like 12 instead of 8 if I was guessing.  Guys at work teased me about running gear.

now I lived slept and dreamed lifting.  Everything was structured around it.  I was so bad with being regimented I almost pooped and peed on a schedule, lol.

I would be over 200 lb at 5’6” if I continued on, but honestly back then I only trained to pick up woman, and once I got more confidence and found my wife, started my business it took a back seat.  But being an ectomorph it was easy to have a beach body lifting heavy stuff at work and having a high metabolism.  Wasn’t until I was in my early 40’s saw a picture of me shirtless on a boat and thought, damn I’m startong to get a dad bod.  So then I hit the training again, went from 140 fatish, to 194 around 12% over 5 years.  If my gut had not got so bad I would have hit 200 this year.  It’s ok though, my wife didn’t like me that big, plus my blood pressure was starting to rise, so I’m sitting at 175 and around 10% (btw I use calipers, but it’s all just a guess)

so only 3 meals a day right now, not 6-7.

Honestly with a high metabolism it will feel like all you do is eat, lol.  Fat guys are jealous because they would love to do that, but it gets tiring sometimes trying to eat that much with variety

Btw, I usually do cardio when I have a nagging injury and am taking a bit of a break to let it heal.  Cardio is really important to growth at a certain point.  If you can’t get enough oxygen and nutrient to your muscle it won’t grow.  Just at first when you are tiny it’s best to avoid until you learn to eat enough.

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