Estrogen rebound right before my next beast cycle!

May 1, 2020
Hey everyone! I've been off a 5 WK beast cycle cycle for about 12 weeks now. I ran a very decent PCT i got from for 6 weeks, using Nolva (tapered up & down) & unleashed/post cycle. Then right after PCT, I started bridge, been running that about 4 weeks now. I must be getting estrogen rebound, cuz I'm gettin gyno on my left nipple (always get it on my left nip). I feel it slightly sore and I think it's gettin larger. I doubt it's all in my head.
Sooo, 1) how the F am I getting estrogen rebound if I'm on bridge
2) is it ok if I go ahead and start my beast cycle in 2 weeks as planned? I'll be using Forma DURING the cycle for gyno issues. Will that take care of the existing GROWING gyno? Then maybe in my pct, I'll run some strong Nolva or letro or something? What would you pros suggest?
Thanks guy! Your help is priceless!

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Maybe get a blood test and remove all speculation as to the cause.

High E is only one possible reason.

first off I agree, a blood test would give better insight and allow us to properly help you without speculation. 

In these scenarios more information is always beneficial; the breakdown of your pct, dosages, cycle, bridge, etc would all be potentially helpful. 

Hey everyone! I've been off a 5 WK beast cycle cycle for about 12 weeks now. I ran a very decent PCT i got from for 6 weeks, using Nolva (tapered up & down) & unleashed/post cycle. Then right after PCT, I started bridge, been running that about 4 weeks now. I must be getting estrogen rebound, cuz I'm gettin gyno on my left nipple (always get it on my left nip). I feel it slightly sore and I think it's gettin larger. I doubt it's all in my head.
Sooo, 1) how the F am I getting estrogen rebound if I'm on bridge
2) is it ok if I go ahead and start my beast cycle in 2 weeks as planned? I'll be using Forma DURING the cycle for gyno issues. Will that take care of the existing GROWING gyno? Then maybe in my pct, I'll run some strong Nolva or letro or something? What would you pros suggest?
Thanks guy! Your help is priceless!
It’s very possible your suffering from rebound. Nolva does nothing to get rid of estrogen it only binds up selective receptors making it so the estrogen can’t attach. 

No bro, don’t do your cycle till you take care of this. Perhaps some aromasin, (adex is an option, but I’d use aromasin because it’ll kill the estrogen not just bind to it temporarily) and id do few more weeks of nolva. 

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It’s very possible your suffering from rebound. Nolva does nothing to get rid of estrogen it only binds up selective receptors making it so the estrogen can’t attach. 

No bro, don’t do your cycle till you take care of this. Perhaps some aromasin, (adex is an option, but I’d use aromasin because it’ll kill the estrogen not just bind to it temporarily) and id do few more weeks of nolva. 
I agree with this. As soon as the Nolva is no longer blocking the receptors all the estrogen still circulating in your system is going to go to work. 

I wouldn't really call it estrogen rebound. But all that gear you were on during your blast ends up getting converted into other hormones. Just because you are bridging/cruising until your next cycle doesn't prevent this.