Face Masks/Coverings


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Oct 26, 2018
Alright, I'll be the first. I know it's mental to be training in this shit and I know few years back some of these asian kids used to train in hypoxic masks (killing their brain cells pretending we're on a mountain and all) but now that COVID is here we got no choice.

I've literally spent an hour on amazon and can't decide what the hell to get. I know I need at least XL as anything smaller doesn't fit my face. I got a wide/big head, wouldn't believe it until I tried different sizes. Wife bought a bunch and none fit me.

I obviously need it to stay on and not snap, as the regular surgeon masks the string that goes around the ear keeps snapping on me and a lot of the 'home made' ones that stores sold were too small to go around my ears and wouldn't cover my mouth/nose and would keep falling off.

The other factor is obviously I don't want to choke myself out and pass out from hypoxia. My first workout I wana do is deadlifts and squats without a doubt, missed it.

I was down to this one but I have a feeling this shit will fall off my face/ears...


FWIW, my gym just emailed with instructions/rules.  Facemasks only required upon entry and exit, but not during workout.  Interesting. 

lol I wanted something badass, the one time I get to clown around. Even considered a horse mask 😁


buuut ain't no body got money like that 😄

So I ordered some army bandana style crap for 20 bux for 2