Fast weight loss


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Oct 7, 2018
This topic will be about pointing ways of fast weith loss. Thanks for every sugestion! 

The fastest you lose the fastest you will put it back on.

There is no easy way: cardio, a clean diet and maybe some Clen (stay away from dnp).

Should start a supplement company called "The Law Of Thermodynamics"  with the slogan, "Pointing the Way to Fast Weight Loss".  I have read a lot of articles about rapid fat loss protocols but they always seem to come with a rapid rebound. That said, would love to see some open opinions on this older thread. 

I don’t believe in fasted weight loss , I believe clean diet help of various Fatloss supplements and even fish oils and omegas help , I don’t believe in starving myself of nutrients , as mentioned before most times the rebound is very fast and you usually end up gaining more, @Corey5150 has a thread where he gives lots of good reasons against it. He’s the man to consult on this with his extensive experience with diet and competing .

I don’t believe in fasted weight loss , I believe clean diet help of various Fatloss supplements and even fish oils and omegas help , I don’t believe in starving myself of nutrients , as mentioned before most times the rebound is very fast and you usually end up gaining more, @Corey5150 has a thread where he gives lots of good reasons against it. He’s the man to consult on this with his extensive experience with diet and competing .
Ok, sure, starving yourself is a good recipe for ditching the diet and fast regain for lots of people.  However, fasting as part of a well-designed diet plan is NOT the same as starving yourself.  There is way too much info now on the health benefits of fasting to dismiss it.

It may be true that fasting is not perfectly optimal for muscle gain and/or muscle retention, but IMHO that misses the bigger picture.  The best diet for anyone is the one that works AND the one you can stick to.  'Optimal' doesn't matter if you quit it.

FWIW, I have done IF now for over 6 mths.  I eat only between noon to 7 or 8pm - every day.  I have lost 45lbs of flab and have gained considerable strength and upper body size on 100mg T/wk.  I was at or close to my natural limit of muscle and strength beforehand - but yes, fatter than I should be.

I may go on some minor building cycles where I eat more and more often, but health-wise and leanness maintenance, Intermittent Fasting and/or time-restricted eating is something I will do probably for the rest of my life - it's that good and easy to stick to.  This is coming from a long-time natural BB'ing competitor who has successfully gotten very lean and >200lbs competition weight with no pharma assistance.  I know what it's like to diet - hard - and Intermittent Fasting is hands-down the best for me.  Thinking of adding in 24hrs of zero calories once per week soon as well.

You are very correct in the fact the best diet that you will stick to , most times a balanced nutrition plan often works best for most , but for the most common folk that don’t have goals like you and I in mind if you deprive them of something they make it up in the form of binge eating, this is only my opinion only that fasted doesn’t work for me I have more success with a clean diet and and good cardio protocol. I believe in the you have to eat to lose mentality.

DNP scares the shit out of me but I feel like I’m missing a great weapon on Fatloss . If I could learn how to use it properly I’d try it. Now it’s clen or an ECA stack.

Best weight loss for me is fasted cardio, obviously with a clean diet, however if I am being a piece of crap, which in the summertime i often am, test tren mast with var and clen.....never tried DNP because it freaks me out and i dont get paid to look good, however I dont think that should scare people off, tren and clen are probably worse in a lot of ways 😅

I’m not a nice man on tren lol and I also become a horny old pervert 😏

Ok, sure, starving yourself is a good recipe for ditching the diet and fast regain for lots of people.  However, fasting as part of a well-designed diet plan is NOT the same as starving yourself.  There is way too much info now on the health benefits of fasting to dismiss it.

It may be true that fasting is not perfectly optimal for muscle gain and/or muscle retention, but IMHO that misses the bigger picture.  The best diet for anyone is the one that works AND the one you can stick to.  'Optimal' doesn't matter if you quit it.

FWIW, I have done IF now for over 6 mths.  I eat only between noon to 7 or 8pm - every day.  I have lost 45lbs of flab and have gained considerable strength and upper body size on 100mg T/wk.  I was at or close to my natural limit of muscle and strength beforehand - but yes, fatter than I should be.

I may go on some minor building cycles where I eat more and more often, but health-wise and leanness maintenance, Intermittent Fasting and/or time-restricted eating is something I will do probably for the rest of my life - it's that good and easy to stick to.  This is coming from a long-time natural BB'ing competitor who has successfully gotten very lean and >200lbs competition weight with no pharma assistance.  I know what it's like to diet - hard - and Intermittent Fasting is hands-down the best for me.  Thinking of adding in 24hrs of zero calories once per week soon as well.
Just thought I'd give my thoughts on IF.

- You're correct in the fact its not starvation as there are multitude of people using a variety of fasting periods... Now I don't necessarily agree with drastic ones, but a "shorter" fasting window won't necessarily be a detriment

- My main beef with IF is that fact that I don't believe its optimal for Growth in certain regards, to maximize our growth/recovery potential we also want to maximize MPS (muscle protein synthesis) and there has been many studies that have shown an equal distribution of protein throughout the day has had a significant difference in producing lean body mass versus more sporadic/uneven/cramped dosings. Now I'm not saying you CANT grow on IF, I'm just saying its not as optimal as keeping PTOR even. 

- I 100% agree with the best diet is the one you can follow. 

- I also don't believe IF is anything special when it comes to fat loss, just like the keto diet isn't magical - because the #1 rule still applies, you need to be in a calorie deficit. So whether you want to eat 16 meals per day or 3 whatever floats your boat. A lot of misconceptions that IF is superior in fat loss is generated by unknowingly entering a calorie deficit. 

Dnp is magic. I am pro dnp 

DNP scares the shit out of me but I feel like I’m missing a great weapon on Fatloss . If I could learn how to use it properly I’d try it. Now it’s clen or an ECA stack.
I also like DNP but I have my own ways of running it that keep side effects to a minimum and functionality/performance at a maintainable level. 

I'm not saying theres not a risk with DNP, theres a risk with any drug we use, but understand the risk, see if its worth it and educate yourself inside and out. 

dnp is also great for pct and refreshing receptors and great during bulk

why during bulk?so you can eat more junk and not get too fat 🙂

Dnp is dangerous. I want to start keto on Monday. Any help would be highly appreciated.
Couple things to keep in mind with keto IMHO.

Many people get a brain fog for the first few days of keto - this will pass, and some even say they feel better on keto after the adjustment period.

Also, if you doing endurance training, be careful with electrolytes - have them handy.  I was in full blown keto, feeling really good, and went out for a run.  Because I was feeling good, I thought I'd go further than usual - bad decision.  I was about 4k from home and hit a wall like I've never hit before in my life.  There was NO WAY I could have even walked home - not a chance.  The legs just stopped working and I was all woozy.  Luckily I was running in a suburban area and was only about 100 meters from a drug store.  I made it there and chugged about a litre of pedialyte (sp?).  If I was running somewhere away from civilization, I'd have been screwed...

Couple things to keep in mind with keto IMHO.

Many people get a brain fog for the first few days of keto - this will pass, and some even say they feel better on keto after the adjustment period.

Also, if you doing endurance training, be careful with electrolytes - have them handy.  I was in full blown keto, feeling really good, and went out for a run.  Because I was feeling good, I thought I'd go further than usual - bad decision.  I was about 4k from home and hit a wall like I've never hit before in my life.  There was NO WAY I could have even walked home - not a chance.  The legs just stopped working and I was all woozy.  Luckily I was running in a suburban area and was only about 100 meters from a drug store.  I made it there and chugged about a litre of pedialyte (sp?).  If I was running somewhere away from civilization, I'd have been screwed...
Thank you so much for your reply.

I am a vegetarian. Do you think I can do this?

Just to add... I suggest you get the testing strips so you can dial in your carb intake so you're confident on your carb threshold.   Many people drop their carbs somewhat and think they're in ketosis and they're not.   The strips will tell you the truth. 

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