Fasted workout

Oct 5, 2018
I used to do fasted cardio before surgery. Today I went to the gym and lifted without having eaten anything. Well, believe it or not, I had a great workout. I was expecting to feel weak but I didn't. I will do it again.

I always workout fasted first thing in the morning. Some caffeine and I'm ready to go. For me, eating before a workout makes me nauseous. 

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If Im in a rush, or if I slept in, Ill lift fasted. Its not a problem, but my stomach will grumble towards the end which I find annoying.

Typically before my AM workouts Ill just eat a bananna dipped in peanutbutter, just to shut off that grumble.

My cardio is always fasted.

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I train about 2-3 hours after waking, and if i've not eaten twice before then (one small snack/breakfast, then one decent clean balanced meal), there it literally no point. I dont know how people do it...

I train about 2-3 hours after waking, and if i've not eaten twice before then (one small snack/breakfast, then one decent clean balanced meal), there it literally no point. I dont know how people do it...
That's all in your head ?

You remind me of my dad who felt weak if he didn't eat steak every day.

That's all in your head ?

You remind me of my dad who felt weak if he didn't eat steak every day.
No, it isn't. I'm not a bodybuilder. Performance is everything. I'm an elite level raw powerlifter, i haven't done every experiment, but 15 years of empirical experience has definitely driven in certain basics. Dont get me wrong, i can perform, and i could certainly get a good workout, i could build muscle, but that last 5% would elude me.

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I tried lifting fasted once and nearly fainted. Can safely say thats not for me.

I never RECOMMEND training in a fasted state, as for any higher level of performance we need glycogen to be at our best. So while I don't necessarily think you need 2 or 3 meals, you should at the very least have some pre training carbs.

I have worked with people who hated training in a fed state, so the best option for someone like them is to glycogen load the night prior OR utilize an intra workout shake that is carbohydrate heavy. 

The best workout I ever had was after a brunch one Saturday afternoon. 

Can't workout with food in the gullet at 5:30 am. makes me puke. 

I make sure I eat a good meal the night before though. That has been the key for me. 

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I find I'm always stronger in the gym after having 3 meals vs only 1 or 2. Thats why I always train in the evening now. Pumps are more insane too

In my opinion, anyone who gets good results training fasted would get even better results training after being thoroughly fed.

In my opinion, anyone who gets good results training fasted would get even better results training after being thoroughly fed.
Yeah, there is always that 'well i do it and it works great' argument, but thats not to say you wouldn't do BETTER with it. Yeah, vegans can build some muscle, but it is a LOT easier with murdered flesh in the diet...

Hitting the gym at 230/3am leaves no time for a meal and to digest any of it pre work out.  I’ve been trying out casein protein before bed and carbs pre and intra.  The protein at night seems to have given me greater strength and endurance in the gym that early in the morning.

I’ve been training fasted for over a year now.

The first week was brutal, but it got much easier after that.  I don’t think I can ever go back to the traditional way, I’m just so used to it. I also feel that that’s a big part of why I can stay pretty lean even during a bulk

Hitting the gym at 230/3am leaves no time for a meal and to digest any of it pre work out.  I’ve been trying out casein protein before bed and carbs pre and intra.  The protein at night seems to have given me greater strength and endurance in the gym that early in the morning.
I hear you brother I was the same way in the military I would slam either a casein protein or eat a tub of cottage cheese prior to bed found it worked amazing and had some great Pt sessions with it.  I know fast 16 hours and work out just before its time to eat,   I have had amazing results since doing this and cannot go back until I BULK that is