Fasting omad diet


Aug 16, 2018
So this is just my experience with omad fasting I have tried every single diet out there to try and get shredded and size for me is not a problem I put size on like nothing I am five foot two and usually in off-season I'm over 200 pounds... but I have a powerlifting background I did power lifting for about 5 years and then I switched to bodybuilding which I've been doing well over 25 years now. So I've done the bodybuilding diet that you eat 5 meals a day which you no work for a little bit but still I really didn't see a lot of good results and then I came across an article about fasting which was the 16 to 8 intermittent fasting which I started doing and actually saw more results than I've ever seen with any other diet that I've been on. Then once again I decided to switch to the omad fasting after doing even further research and doing the one meal a day which for myself I thought was crazy because how the heck are you going to have all this energy in the morning to train or do anything but mentally I've never had more of a clear focus and more energy than I even know what to do with when I train I've had some of the best training sessions to date. So I am now under a hundred and seventy pounds and much more shredded and with abs than I've ever been and absolutely loving it. So I just wanted to share my experience with the omad diet...


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That's awesome! I have been reading about both 16/8 and OMAD diets. How long did it take to adjust to extended fasts and eating such large amounts in one sitting?

Hi Meeng1, well I started out first with the 16 to 8 ratio diet so I was eating two meals and I would normally start eating around 3 until around 10 was my cut off time and I did find a lot of changes on that diet so you kind of gradually are able to adjust your body accordingly and I'm not a big eater to begin with so when I did make the switch over to the one meal a day it actually was pretty easy for me to adjust to it you do end up getting like stomach pains or stomach grumbling at night the first little while but once you get adjusted to it like I don't even think about food at all until I actually have to eat and it saves you time and energy from cooking all of your meals to even grocery shopping I literally cut my grocery bill in half...

It looks and sounds good on paper but for BB,  it lacks protein.

If you added some protein every 3 hours for positive nitrogen then it would be perfect.

Yes it's definitely not for everybody me I'm a big bodybuilder and I have since I started I have not lost any size whatsoever and I absolutely just love it I get super lean from doing the fast plus I feel a lot better to healthwise

Yes it's definitely not for everybody me I'm a big bodybuilder and I have since I started I have not lost any size whatsoever and I absolutely just love it I get super lean from doing the fast plus I feel a lot better to healthwise
Just take measurement's to see your results. 

It looks and sounds good on paper but for BB,  it lacks protein.

If you added some protein every 3 hours for positive nitrogen then it would be perfect.
I've had a tremendous amount of success with fasting, personally, and while prepping people.  Do I think it's the most optimal way to build muscle, no.  For cutting on the other hand, it is HIGHLY effective.  As long as your daily caloric intake is met, and you hit your required macros every day, muscle loss is not an issue. The idea that we need to eat protien every 2-3 hours or we will  go catabolic or lose muscle, has long been proven incorrect.  As long as you get the amount of protien, carbs and fats your body requires in each day, you will progress.  Doesnt matter if its spaced out all day, or all in one meal.  The human body knows what to do with the food you put inside it. 

Fasting through our the day means once you start eating in the afternoon/evening, you can actually get that full and satisfied feeling.  Even when a guy or gal is deeeep into a diet, and calories are scarce, saving all of them for one or two big meals means a feeling of fullness and satiety that otherwise, isn't felt on a diet.  Eating little meals every 2 hours all day was how I dieted for many years because that's what we were told worked.  I was always hungry, always tired, and it made dieting miserable.  Fasting changed the game for me and I'd suggest anyone who has a big appetite like myself, to give it a try next prep or diet.

Add me to another proponent to intermittent fasting. I've done the 16/8 fast for each of my cutting cycles over the past few springs. The first week is a bit of a challenge as you get used to being hungry.. but after a while you don't even notice. 

I haven't tried the OMAD fast yet. Reminds me of the warrior diet that was being touted a few years back. Although I have done a 24 hr fasts. Just not on a daily basis. Worth a try. 

Great topic!

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Well said fitgm, as for myself yeah I'm not using it to build bulk or anyting I have been bodybuilding for over 25 years and I actually reached just over 200 pounds at one point at five foot two so I wanted to literally come down I have a powerlifting background of about 5 years competing and decided to switch over to bodybuilding and I have tried every diet out there and discovered fasting and I have had such good success the best success ever and I feel wonderful to on it and I've been able to maintain my muscle yes of course I've come down in size but I'm not trying to put size on anymore I just want to be healthy and basically you know I'm not getting any younger and I don't want to have that heavy weight on my joints anymore either...

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Well said fitgm, as for myself yeah I'm not using it to build bulk or anyting I have been bodybuilding for over 25 years and I actually reached just over 200 pounds at one point at five foot two so I wanted to literally come down I have a powerlifting background of about 5 years competing and decided to switch over to bodybuilding and I have tried every diet out there and discovered fasting and I have had such good success the best success ever and I feel wonderful to on it and I've been able to maintain my muscle yes of course I've come down in size but I'm not trying to put size on anymore I just want to be healthy and basically you know I'm not getting any younger and I don't want to have that heavy weight on my joints anymore either...
Great link.

I think I'm going to give OMAD a try. 

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