Fav pre workout?

I use to use pre workout drinks but I stopped for 8 weeks and now I am back to just using the good old ECA about 30-45 mintues before working out and honestly it is way better then any preworkout drink. 24 mg ephedrine, 200 mg caffeine and 2 (162 mg) low dose daily aspirins.

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I just rock out an eca or ecy stack when cutting, bulking then just caffeine and a tuna sandwich

i can’t take most preface preworkout, every one of them fucked up my stomach. I used to make my own but then stopped

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2 scoop of ANS Rave stacked with 1 scoop of Dilate 20 minutes before lifting. ... Great combo for great pumps.  Get so focussed.  More reps and can do extra sets. Fantastic results and great for vasodilatation.  

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Cold black coffee with a spoonful of taurine powder stirred into it,  a glass of grapefruit juice and a dbol.

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I use like a pro supps outsized , non stim, or mpa celluvol non stim, skin tearing pumps, I also add an Orion’s dmaa 25mg tab into the mix as well 

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Tuna salad sandwich and 100/gram caffeine pill.

Hate pwo, they all upset my tummy

edit: guess I already said this a few months ago lol

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Pretty old skool I guess , just 1g of l-arginine , with a bunch of "life extension" sups nicotinimide riboside 250 mg , resveratrol 500mg , fish oil and multivit, lions mane etc