Favorite food during prep


Trusted Member
Sep 7, 2018
I don't know about you guys but during prep I try to make most of my meals seem like it's not prep food. For example I'll make French toast with egg whites, stevia, vanilla extract, cinnamon and whole wheat toast, yes I keep bread in. Taste like heaven and I get 50g protein each time I do it. What's everyone's go to?

I cant comment on prep-level food but low calorie-ish for me would be shrimp stir-fry with a pile of veg and min oil. 

That french toast sounds baller though. 

egg whites. then the next meal: eggwhites. and for dessert: eggwhites!

guess what i asked santa for? you gussed it eggwhites 🙂

I managed to cut really well last spring, but my trainer went offline because of situations in his country.

he has me back on... eggwhites. Zero red meat. No chicken. No rice at all this time. instead lower glycemic carbs.

egg whites. then the next meal: eggwhites. and for dessert: eggwhites!

guess what i asked santa for? you gussed it eggwhites 🙂

I managed to cut really well last spring, but my trainer went offline because of situations in his country.

he has me back on... eggwhites. Zero red meat. No chicken. No rice at all this time. instead lower glycemic carbs.
Egg whites only?? How do you cope with biotin depletion?

the only carbs i get are oatmeal and leafy greens.

i dropped from about 265 down to 155 in the last year. and i retained a lot of muscle so now my bodyfat% is low i am rebuilding using protein in a positive nitrogen state. 

no sarms or anything just good nutrition. 

i take supplements that contain oil for fats.

My favorite food at the moment is Basa Fillets - I have no idea why. Chicken and beef were just not doing it... so white fish is my now favorite LOL

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Call me old fashioned, chicken, white rice and broccoli. Oh.. lol and Diet Coke!

Bringing back up old discussion:

What's been paramount for me this dieting phase??
Anabolic french toast


POPCORN!!! omgggggggggg it makes it so much more delightful to have a full bag of popcorn for only 250 cals, just load up the ketchup powder crap and go.  The amount of volume of that vs 250 cals of rice is astonishing and keeps me fuller longer