Favourite Body Part ?


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Oct 7, 2018
Ok lifters let’s hear it , what is your favourite body part ? Mine is back and biceps day , love the feeling of nice tight Lats and the nice pump that comes with it while doing biceps I leave the gym on a high after that workout and I have a great day no matter what happens.

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I have a love hate relationship with chest , love incline bench super strong , love decline bench again super strong , hate flat bench weakest lift I have .

Ok lifters let’s hear it , what is your favourite body part ? Mine is back and biceps day , love the feeling of nice tight Lats and the nice pump that comes with it while doing biceps I leave the gym on a high after that workout and I have a great day no matter what happens.

I have a love hate relationship with chest , love incline bench super strong , love decline bench again super strong , hate flat bench weakest lift I have .

For me my favourite is arms.  It’s too bad it’s my easiest growing bodypart, so I only train them 2 times a month or I’d be only arms, lol

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No no that was just general contribution to the thread ,  the reason I love back and biceps is I have no weakness there and I get a rush doing them,  it would have been chest but there is no true love there lol because it’s tainted by flat bench , sorry for the confusion .

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I never train arms separately  , I never trained for size, its always strength and  endurance,  so arms only get trained with the regular lifts I do

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I love working legs. But I also hate working legs. Lol.. There’s something to be said about stepping out with over 500lbs on your back and going to war. Quad pumps can be insane. Leg DOMs? Nothing like it. And I feel doing heavy squats or dead’s forces your whole body to grow!89A37718-5E2A-4907-805B-01D2849D8EDA.jpeg

shopping for jeans that fit? That sucks tho👉💥🥴

Ok lifters let’s hear it , what is your favourite body part ? Mine is back and biceps day , love the feeling of nice tight Lats and the nice pump that comes with it while doing biceps I leave the gym on a high after that workout and I have a great day no matter what happens.
That’s a beautiful thing!

Hard call.
Back Quads or Chest when you get those good pumps and it feels like your skin is gonna rip off, that’s pretty good. 
BUT, shoulders and Tris are my fav. They blow up after a good session, shape out great and make you look like a million bucks. 

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Hard call.
Back Quads or Chest when you get those good pumps and it feels like your skin is gonna rip off, that’s pretty good. 
BUT, shoulders and Tris are my fav. They blow up after a good session, shape out great and make you look like a million bucks. 
Nothing like a good pump bro. Nothing at all. When my delts pump so much that drinking a sip of water is almost impossible I j!zz my pants (at least by the look on my face you’d think I did)

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