Few TUDCA sources

I use the Canadian Medical Supplies Tudca. Works good. I get around shipping by just making sure to order with more stuff (you always need syringes right?).


Above is a link for 20 grams of tudca for $35 plus $5 shipping. Most of the bottles of capsules contain 15 grams total for $60 plus so you save at least $20 and gain 5 grams of tudca. You can buy empty capsules here for $10


and if you want a capsule filling machine you can get it here for $29.99 https://www.amazon.ca/gp/aw/d/B07B261JWP/ref=ox_sc_act_image_4?smid=ACAXNMVE8GJOF&psc=1

I have one on order. I’ll let everyone know how it performs. I’m also going to use these capsules and the filling machine for turmeric powder!!