First Cycle


Trusted Member
Jun 8, 2019
I'm not going to be officially starting my first cycle for another month and a half or so but I figured I'd get this post started and lay down my plans. I'm currently cutting and still gaining quite a bit of strength since I had been out of the gym for a couple months earlier this year. I'll update with current photos and lifts once I get closer to the cycle. I train for powerlifting and am currently running 5/3/1


6'2 191lbs

InBody scan shows 6% body fat. I'm fairly lean but I have a hard time believing 6% yet it's supposedly a pretty accurate machine 🤨

Current lifts (lbs) all AMRAP sets:

OHP: 135x9

Deadlift: 440x8

Bench: 230x12

Squat: 300x13

First Cycle:

500mg Test E/w for 16 weeks

Aromasin on hand for AI

PCT 2 weeks after last shot: Nolvadex 40/40/20/20/20/20

23g drawing needle and 27g 1 1/4in pinning needle

My bloodwork also came in with interesting results. It shows my test levels at 8.4nmol/l which is borderline low yet I dont feel any of the symptoms of low T. I generally feel great, motivation is high, muscle and strength increasing and body fat stays low. Certainly curious what this will mean for my first cycle and the effect it'll have on me. I'm even considering lowering the weekly test dose based on this, like 300-350mg instead of 500mg. Thoughts?





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Looks like you did your homework.   Personally I'd keep my test at 500 for the cycle.   The first cycle is always the best.   Eat big and bring the intensity and you will be blow away.   

I get impatient pinning with a 25gauge needle and usually pin with a 23 gauge and  load with a 21g but hey if your oil flows through a 27gauge all the more power to you.   

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I agree, you did your homework.  I would add Nova throughout your cycle. Everybody reacts different to test and how the body absorbs the extra e. Taking the nova wont effect the results but will prevent any extra sides of rising e levels. I'm glad you have arom on hand just in case. Good luck bro ! 

Also see if you can get 18g needle for drawing and 23 or 22g for injecting. 

You are right about not being 6 % bodyfat though.  I'd give you at least in the 10-12% minimum.   I know you say you're currently cutting but are you going on a bulk with this first cycle?   How old are you?

You are right about not being 6 % bodyfat though.  I'd give you at least in the 10-12% minimum.   I know you say you're currently cutting but are you going on a bulk with this first cycle?   How old are you?
I'm 28 and yes I'm absolutely going to bulk. The goal is to increase my lifts and put on mass.

Also, I'm gonna give the 27g needles a try and see how that goes. Honestly want to get away with the smallest needle I can and the MCT oil looks quite thin

I agree, you did your homework.  I would add Nova throughout your cycle. Everybody reacts different to test and how the body absorbs the extra e. Taking the nova wont effect the results but will prevent any extra sides of rising e levels. I'm glad you have arom on hand just in case. Good luck bro ! 

Also see if you can get 18g needle for drawing and 23 or 22g for injecting. 
How would you dose Nolva on cycle? I'm considering this right now as it seems like a good idea to keep estrogen as high as tolerable to maximize gains. Also preemptively keeping any potential gyno at bay is certainly ideal.

I'm 28 and yes I'm absolutely going to bulk. The goal is to increase my lifts and put on mass.

Also, I'm gonna give the 27g needles a try and see how that goes. Honestly want to get away with the smallest needle I can and the MCT oil looks quite thin
Hey bro,  that's completely cool.   Here's a tip.   Even though a lot of us here have a lot of experience with all this and try and guide new people based on our experiences,   there's only one way to know what's best for you.   And that's to try it for yourself.

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Well done on doing your research and compiling a detailed post. I'll be follow up along. I am also going to promote you because you seem like a knowledgeable fellow and your log will help others 

Thank you to everyone who has been providing they input, 

I agree, you did your homework.  I would add Nova throughout your cycle. Everybody reacts different to test and how the body absorbs the extra e. Taking the nova wont effect the results but will prevent any extra sides of rising e levels. I'm glad you have arom on hand just in case. Good luck bro ! 

Also see if you can get 18g needle for drawing and 23 or 22g for injecting. 
The only thing impersonally dont agree with is this.    

I dont have much time to elaborate right now but here's  a few points to support my c


1:Nolva can drop you IGF-1

Here's some reading material for you

2:Nolva can cause hair lost

3:even though nolvadex is awesome for pct it can lower your libido  

That's just a few reasons I dont and wouldnt use nolvadex during your cycle.   

PS ok I'll admit it's too late for reason two I have none left lol

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Lots of good advice here, but I’d run with 25ga pins as the 27’s you’ll probably be having a long ass time getting anything over a ml in. I use 25 and they’re perfect. 
Agreed. Draw with a 1" 20Ga., and shoot with a 1" 25Ga. 

The 20 won't obliterate the stopper after multiple draws, and the 25 won't cause much, if any scar tissue.

If you can, throw in 25 mg of proviron ed to keep shbg low and it also keeps estrogen at bay. Just my opinion.

The only thing impersonally dont agree with is this.    

I dont have much time to elaborate right now but here's  a few points to support my c


1:Nolva can drop you IGF-1

Here's some reading material for you

2:Nolva can cause hair lost

3:even though nolvadex is awesome for pct it can lower your libido

That's just a few reasons I dont and wouldnt use nolvadex during your cycle.   

PS ok I'll admit it's too late for reason two I have none left lol
Thats also great information, i guess it all depends how sensitive you are to e. I tend to get very sensitive nips and prone to gyno, so i always have it on hand a take once my test blasts are 500mg or over. 

I’ve only done a few cycles, I’m on my fourth. But every time I add a serm or ai my results decrease as does my “on” feeling. Then after a week or two my libido lowers. It’s my opinion they should be kept on hand but avoided if possible. 

I’ve only done a few cycles, I’m on my fourth. But every time I add a serm or ai my results decrease as does my “on” feeling. Then after a week or two my libido lowers. It’s my opinion they should be kept on hand but avoided if possible. 
Again it all depends. Some guys run 500mg or more of test on there cycles for 12 weeks, then run 250mg in between blasts. If you let you e get too high it can really fuck up all the hormone levels. Best thing to do as you said is to have them on hand and get you bloods tested to see where they are. 

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Little update since it's been awhile. Still going to run this cycle, in fact I'm planning my first pin this Sunday. Decided to delay it due to an elbow injury I got from BB benching. Tendonitis or some shit, not really sure what's going on there. Been able to flat DB bench recently without any issues though so I'm sticking with that atm. Gonna try messing around with form/technique to see if maybe I'm just doing it wrong. Anyway here are my pre cycle stats


Squat 405x1

Deadlift 535x1

Flat DB Bench 110's 3x10

Excited to get started for my first cycle

You should blow up with 500mg test. I will echo some others on here though, and say inject with a 25 gauge. The speed/flow between a 25 to a 27 is quite a lot in my experience. Just my .02   . 

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