First time Tren cough


Oct 13, 2018
Well, it finally happened. I've been on doctor trt for about 5 years (I'm guessing, I'm old) so jabbing once a week, and twice if I'm throwing something else in, for a while now. Right now I'm doing 100 test c and approximately 160 Tren e twice a week. Never had a single problem until last week. About 3/4 of the pin in and I have a metallic taste in my mouth and feel a little light headed. I've read about it, so I know it's coming. Then the coughing hits as I'm just finishing. Holy crap it's a bit scary, hard to catch your breath. Fortunately, it's not as bad as some I've heard about, and passes in a couple minutes.  I always aspirate, and didn't see blood, so I guess I nicked a vein or something. Anyone else experience this? If so, how bad was it?

About 10 years ago i went into a coughing fit and fainted. Im not like a hypocondract by any stretch of the imagination ether. 

Other than that nothing

Tren does kill my cardio at a high dose tho

After tons of injections I finally had one few years ago. Exactly like original post. Yes it's scary for a moment LOL

I havent experienced it but, watched a cough or two go down.

My sperm donor would stick his head in the freezer. Some would use an inhaler. 

I've had it so many times. Sometimes its just a light cough, other times its so bad I feel like I need medical attention. It always passes. Worst one for me was when I pinned post w/o and after I drank a big shake. I coughed so violently I threw up my shake all over the bathroom cuz I didnt make it to the toilet in time. The cleanup was brutal. I never want to relive that so I now try to pin first thing AM on an empty stomach, just in case. 

Hopefully you dont get it again, but realistically its just a matter of time as other compounds can cause it too. Good luck. 

One time i was pinning while on the crapper. The cough started and it was a bad one, then my abs cramped up at the same time cause i was also on clen.  I wont fo into anymore detail but that was the last time i pinned while taking a dump


last cycle got it 3 times and of course the last shot the worst ever lol ....

I think I’ve had at least one every time I’ve cycled tren. I remember the first cycle I tried tren I got one the first few weeks in, felt it deep in my chest big hacking after light head, it was awful. Then it I dreaded it every pin on that cycle, I seemed to get it every fucking time. Once I figure it out with some research on the boards and asking around figured out what was what, I got less amped up about it, then it seemed to get better. I mean I’d still get it every once in a while but being calm and relaxed about it not sweating it definitely made it easier to handle it seemed. That’s me anyway. 

I get it frequently when running any considerable amount of Tren. Sometimes it's just a mild cough other times I'm dry heaving for 20 min. It really doesn't take much. I've had Tren shots where just the lubrication on the needle will cause it. Insert needle, taste metal, remove needle without injecting, and still Tren cough. It can definitely turn you off the stuff.

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My way to reduce to minimum is ! I draw with a 18G needle the tren and swap to a 25G needle I swipe with a alcohol swap to make sure nothing as tren on it ! this way I reduce to a minimum 🙂