from PP

Oct 17, 2019
Hey, I came from purple panda. Just a lifter of 3 years, started pretty light (like super light) at 5'8, maybe 115lbs. Got up to 170lbs, and now i stay at around 160 with my busy school life. Maxes: 350 squat, 400's deadlift (don't really deadlift anymore, have little time) and 240 close grip bench. my best lift is probably my chinup

Was interested in purple panda (was referred by an ad on their site) because right now it's hard to find the drive that I had before with lifting when I am so completely busy, It might be a bad reason but I need better incentive to train as hard as I once did with school and all. I know I got a way to go, but I just want some quicker gains right now, honestly. If you're curious, I'm busy with school  and am majoring in chemistry.
