Game on Tren Cycle! started


Oct 19, 2018
Hi guys

I travel a lot ! so please bare with me this is my first training log I try to update as much as I can and this is my first take on Tren!

Cycle below game is on started 1 Nov ? 

Screen Shot 2018-10-04 at 6.23.42 PM.png

What make this cycle special ?, I have a Gyno operation 2 months ago I stop lifting for almost 3 weeks ( what a pain) this is my second operation I will do a Gyno post later !

-Picture below is 20 yrs ago before AAS ? 


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Today Day 7 

test is test nothing to say about it awesomeness at is very best!  T3 Cytomel + Evoke for me is a killer I feel like a Gorilla who see a banana for the first time lol it make my training insane the difference btw this guy is doing ok! and this guy is nuts lol ( and I love it)  I sweat like a motherfucker ! that is why November is T3 time ? 

I heard Caber is bad for heart , I have gyno in the past I guess I will , what do you think?

I plan to use Miraplex who is Prami was told it does the same as Caber with less side ?

Yeah man stick with what you feel comfortable with. You could try caber, .5mg once a week heck even .25mg worked for me. 

OK  Day 9 of my cycle and day 4 of Anadrol  it is the first time I take Anadrol always a bit scared of strong oral ! first of all I really feel it first side I have problem going to poop yesterday

so I up the water intake I normally take lot's of water but in this oral my guess is you have to double your intake, this morning my weight is up 3 pounds and yes it is water retention big

big time I look very fluffy ( not the look I like ) but it is part of my experience I will start to monitor my blood pressure tomorrow to see how hight it goes up! I decide two double my tudca one in the morning and one at night ?  so far it do what it suppose to do! 

Oh there was 1&2 levels back in Sudbury....many good guess posers over the years there.

Since you had gyno before do nolva the cycle, don't take a chance.

As for tren I did caber at 1 cap every 3 day....had a upset stomach.

If I keep my tren lower than 300mg per week letro work well for my tren gyno.

Oh there was 1&2 levels back in Sudbury....many good guess posers over the years there.

Since you had gyno before do nolva the cycle, don't take a chance.

As for tren I did caber at 1 cap every 3 day....had a upset stomach.

If I keep my tren lower than 300mg per week letro work well for my tren gyno.
thank you brother you my favourite here ? always helping other you rock! 

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Day 10

Blood pressure this morning 123/ 62/ 76  very happy with that I increase magnesium look like Anadrol is not have to much effect on blood pressure so far  weight from 185 lbs to 192 lbs this morning look like is mostly water , I feel much better since I double water intake ! I will do a liver test at the end of the 4 weeks of Anadrol and posted it!

Honestly Anadrol and T3 is a great duo to make the little girl say wow ! that older guy is rocking those weight and wet there panty's ( sorry :() )

Day 20 

Blood pressure stable , I use magnesium at night and pump my fish oil look like it work I am at 195 LBS this morning  I have a energy drop in the after noon I wonder if it is because of the T3 that I slip in two intake one in morning 25mg and one before gym , the only I can say I sweet my ass off and I did look the watery look with my T3 it make me insane in the gym I love that so much ?  happy cycle so far!

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Day 30

- Back at 191 lbs  but the first side effect for the last 2 days I did feel extremely tired in afternoon at a point where I need to nap 1 hrs lol ( not normal for me it all )  I was suppose to stop Anadrol after 5 weeks I will stop now after only 4 ,  and do a blood test for my liver  I will stop T3 as well I believe the problem is T3 maybe I take to much I am going to simulator in Miami soon I can’t feel like that lol  when I am back I am starting Tren!

My Opinion on Anadrol : for me at first look is not a magic bullet I feel strong yes I feel with a lots of water retention something I don’t really like but let see the end result! something sure for me 4 weeks is a maximum on it!

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Ok Today Day 42 !

let’s Start that infamous Tren ! I learn a lot before to use it and I am very happy I did!  I will reduce Test  and try this   Sustanon 250 at  .50/ Tren Ace .75/ Eq 1.0  EO so 3 time a week 

I decided taking proviron and cialis , AI caber and arimidex I will run for 30 days and see ? 

Day 44

I survive my first shot of Tren  but I have a little scared moment when I pull the needle I have blood so I realize I maybe hit a nerve lucky for me I did the trick I learn here I swipe needle

I draw with a 18G  and use a 25G it look like this guy was right , when you draw with the same needle you dip the needle into the tren vial and if you it a nerve ( like I did) you will have the tren cough , I did have absolutely nothing ? I sleep relatively well so I am happy with my dose of 100mg EOD ? 

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Day 47

-Shot 2 of Tren was Perfect !

- Shot 3 not so much! I did have the famous cough ( it is very manageable ) less then a minute and just very annoying and I know exactly why I did have the cough that time , I did change the needle from 18G to 25G after drawing but like an idiot I remove some air at the top so the Tren did drip on the needle , proven now change the need and take a alcohol swap 

on the needle before injection ? 

I have no side effect and start to think I am special lol , no sweat , I sleep relatively well , pump is insane and I feel something is happening inside my body ? stay tune!

Day 51

- last 2 injection  no cough  but injecting 3cc always on my right ass side start to be painful lol in 2 days I try the left ?  Blood pressure stable at 125 ( very happy about it)  I have definitely less energy then normal and breathing is harder , I guess the Tren is starting kicking , I up the dose of test to see when I will start the side effect then back up ? 

so far so good up 5lbs of leans muscle!

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