GENETEC DHB Review - OntarioDude


Trusted Member
Aug 15, 2018
May 12, 2019:


I received a test sample vial from Genetec yesterday for their new DHB (Dihydroboldenone) product and will review the product and include the results here. I would like to add that I have absolutely no affiliation with Genetec and am simply a customer of this and a few other great Canadian UGL's which are often referenced here on this Forum. Genetec was kind enough to let me test one vial of this new DHB product in exchange for a fair, honest review and they did not guide me in any manner.

I will do my best to provide open and honest feedback. If anyone has any questions, comments or concerns please let me know.

AAS Currently in use:
Genetec T400: 400 mgs. x 2 = 800 mgs. / week
Genetec Tren. E.: 200 mgs. x 2= 400 mgs. / week (may drop down to 300 mgs. / week)

First Injection:
Genetec 100 mgs. EOD = 350 mgs. / week
1 CC of DHB pinned in right glute - will report back with PIP results (if any) - so far so good.
I currently use a 25 g., 1", Termumo pins

Thank you very much Genetec for the opportunity to test and review this new and exciting product.

Please see attached pics:

I will update this review log a.s.a.p.

Thank you,


Genetec DHB1.png

Genetec DHB2.png

Genetec DHB3.png

Genetec DHB4.png

From May 14, 2019:
I would like to report that my first pin of Genetec's DHB went very well and I have absolutely zero PIP to report two days later. 

I just completed my next pin in my left glute and all seems well but I'll give it a day or two to confirm properly.

To note:
I worked my shoulders yesterday and thought I had noticed a slight increase in strength. I was able to press 4 plates per side on the iso-lateral shoulder press without a lift to start or a spot to finish my reps (6) even up to and including my very last set. I also blasted out my shoulder raises (side & front) with 50 lb. dumbbells nice and controlled form with no problems and I normally experience some shoulders issues when I'm finished but all went well with no extra pain.

From May 15, 2019:
I can report back now that my second shot of Genetec's DHB also has no noticeable PIP.

To Note:
I worked Bi's & Tri's with some left-over Abs (from the previous day). 

My workout is posted on my log (linked above) but I wanted to comment about one thing I noticed which may be from the DHB.

For Biceps, I completed EZ Bar Curls with good form and worked up to my final two sets of 165 Lbs. x 6.

Normally after working up to 145 Lbs. or slapping two more tens on to get to up 165 Lbs. I am finished with my heavy curls. Yesterday, I started on my second bicep exercise (Alternating Dumbell Curls - supersetted with Tricep pushdowns) and started off with medium weight (40's x 15). It felt too damn easy so I ended up doing Alternating Dumbell Curls with 70 Lbs. dumbbells with good form and it still felt fairly easy. Next time around I may go up to 75's or 80's.

Thank you,


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Please Note:  

I should have mentioned that I really don't know if it's just mental at this point or if I just had a good workout and wanted to push harder since I knew I had this new DHB running through me.  image.gif These are all lifts I've done before so no PR's yet but I am pushing it. My arms aren't even sore today other than my forearms but they're always acting up.

I can say that I do feel like I'm also leaning out or drying up a little bit while still feeling full. That could also be because I dropped Deca a couple of weeks ago.

I won't have any definitive answers until a few weeks and then I'll compare my pics and maybe even some PRs if I'm lucky.

Thank you,


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Honestly bud, being a cypionate ester, you probably won't notice any real strength increase for up to two weeks. 

I'm on another labs dhb at the moment and just passed the 4 week mark, strength is definitely coming on. At two weeks started noticing vascularity like crazy. 

 I'm glad another reputable lab has brought this to market. Is there guaiacol in gene's dhb?

Hi Rosconow; 

Yes, I believe you are right about that...  I was mostly just copying and pasting directly from my workout log anything that I thought would be interesting from my workouts that may be applicable and I wanted to show that I'm putting in the hard work training & diet wise to try to get some good results. 

I'm not exactly sure what is in their DHB but I was told that there is some MCT oil.  If I find out any more I'll be sure to post it here though.

I'm happy to hear you're now getting some real strength and body composition results.

I'm looking forward to seeing where I'm at by the time the test vial is finished.

Thank you,


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Just about to pin my third shot now...

I've decided to drop the Tren now so it'll be just Test & DHB (800 mgs. & 100 EOD). 

I had a rest day yesterday and completed 35 minutes of cardio.  Today is Leg Day!

Thank you,


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guaicol has a distinct smell,i really hope if its in there it should be on the label

ive yet to see anyone ever produce 100mg of dhb wihtout super solvent and not crashing

@GenetecResearch care to chime in here?

Trade secret but no reports of pip and zero guck in our product 🙂
Trade secrets are fine. But not listing ingredients will not be fine. Especially if eo is used as people are allergic to it. Im hoping this is not the case as you guys are very reputable. 

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I'm pretty sure it can be done without them and without crashing using the proper method.
Im not sure, I'm on both professional muscle and bop and all the huge labs from sciroxx to ppl etc could never make it at 100 mg without guiacol. I'm sure they tried eo and many other methods before other labs here tried, seeing that Canada has only as of recent jumped on the dhb bandwagon. As of now we don't have a make up of genetec. I'm sure he has it listed on his ingredient list. He'll chime in eventually. I do hope genetec becomes the first lab to do what all labs failed it. Would put Canada on the map lol. 

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Im not sure, I'm on both professional muscle and bop and all the huge labs from sciroxx to ppl etc could never make it at 100 mg without guiacol. I'm sure they tried eo and many other methods before other labs here tried, seeing that Canada has only as of recent jumped on the dhb bandwagon. As of now we don't have a make up of genetec. I'm sure he has it listed on his ingredient list. He'll chime in eventually. I do hope genetec becomes the first lab to do what all labs failed it. Would put Canada on the map lol. 
This is true. When i jab the dhb with guiacol, i instantly taste it and smell it internally. Kinda nasty. Plus if even a drop hits the counter or floor when i'm working the air out, it takes some serious disinfectant to get rid of the smell.

Would be nice to have a no pip product without the quiac . 

Im not sure, I'm on both professional muscle and bop and all the huge labs from sciroxx to ppl etc could never make it at 100 mg without guiacol. I'm sure they tried eo and many other methods before other labs here tried, seeing that Canada has only as of recent jumped on the dhb bandwagon. As of now we don't have a make up of genetec. I'm sure he has it listed on his ingredient list. He'll chime in eventually. I do hope genetec becomes the first lab to do what all labs failed it. Would put Canada on the map lol. 
I assure you that Genetec uses neither Guiacol or EO and it is at 100mg/ml. The recipe and production method will not be posted publicly as it took a lot of time and resources to obtain it.

If Col Sanders, Coke and McDonalds can have a secret recipe, there’s no reason Genetec can’t have a proprietary blend as well. 

I see a commercial in the makings. 
Their recipe can stay secret, that doesn't mean they can't list ingredients. 2 different topics. 

What specific ingredients do you want listed on the label?
What i like to see is the types of preservatives, solvents and carrier oil. 

Eg. 250ml test enanthate, bb, ba, in cottonseed oil

No need for volumes, but some labs do put their % of bb, ba, eo. Not neccessary though.