Ginkgo Biloba and its Health Benefits


Aug 16, 2018
I Love Ginkgo and use it regularly 

Ginkgo biloba is the world's oldest living species of tree. Individual trees live as long as 1,000 years. Originating from the Orient, Chinese ancestry used to use this extract for various ailments and illnesses. Its powerful healing effect earned the extract a favorable rating across many continents during the 1600 and 1700's. Eventually, Ginkgo Biloba found its way into Europe where it was remedied for various illnesses.

Originally, the Chinese sought after Ginkgo Biloba as a reliever of asthma, bronchitis, and pulmonary congestion. Ginkgo Biloba has also been used as a stimulant for the libido, a mechanism to regulate blood flow throughout the circulatory system, and overall health and well-being.


How Does It Work Ginkgo Biloba?

Medicinally, the extract of the ginkgo biloba leaves has been shown to dilate blood vessels, and has a particular ability to increase peripheral blood circulation, especially to the brain. Ginkgo biloba is known to prevent and benefit many conditions throughout the entire body and it is used as a prescribed drug in Germany and France.

The main use of ginkgo is to improve cognitive function in treating Alzheimer's disease. Ginkgo also acts as a powerful antioxidant and contributes to the oxidation of free radicals which are believed to contribute to premature aging. Antioxidants also protect the eyes, cardiovascular system and central nervous system. It may also help control the transformation of cholesterol to plaque associated with the hardening of arteries.

Gingko biloba's beneficial affect on the circulatory system has positive implications for sexual dysfunction. In one open clinical trial involving 60 patients having erectile dysfunction, 50% of the patients regained potency after six months of treatment with Ginkgo Biloba.

In long-term studies, Ginkgo produced no side effects and there was no decrease in its effect over time. However, it can cause mild gastrointestinal complaints, headaches, palpitations, and allergic skin reactions, but these effects are very rare. Like nature, Ginkgo is slow in acting, taking four to eight weeks before benefits may be noticed. Improvements are gradual, but continue for up to a year or more.

What Are The Benefits From Gingko Biloba?

For the past three decades, Gingko Biloba has shown positive results across the board. During these studies and tests, this extract continues to amaze and win over medical professionals who have patients with brain injuries and memory loss. Here are other benefits from Ginkgo Biloba:

• Memory enhancement builder. 
• Improved circulation and distribution of oxygen and nutrients throughout the bodies' circulatory system.
• Causes an increase in the bodies' metabolism by regulating synapses and transmitters throughout the body by boosting the distribution of oxygen.
• Reduces plaque that builds up around artery walls
• Male infertility enhancement supplement for impotent men.

How much is usually taken?

Most clinical trials have used between 120 and 240 mg of Gingko biloba extracts (standardized to contain 6% terpene lactones and 24% flavone glycosides) per day, generally divided into two or three portions. The higher amount (240 mg per day) has been used in some people with mild-to-moderate Alzheimer's disease, age-related cognitive decline, intermittent claudication, and resistant depression. Gingko biloba extracts may need to be taken for eight to twelve weeks before desired actions such as cognitive improvement are noticed. Although nonstandardized Ginkgo biloba leaf and tinctures are available, there is no well-established amount or use for these forms.