Go to training splits

Monday - Chest/back

Tuesday - shoulders and arms

Wednesday - Rest 

Thursday - as Monday

Friday - as Tuesday

3 sets of 10 to 15 reps, 3 to 4 exercises per muscle, everything back to back.

I do a bit of legs every afternoon because I still revalidatie from a TKR.

I do fasted cardio every morning (30 min) and afternoon (30 min)

I don't even know what the PPLx2 training split is. 

What I do know is well designed micro cycles between splits, body part only, and full body workouts keep my body adapting and growing. All depends on what my goal is for that time of year. 

I also like to switch up my splits from upper body to lower body to push/pull routines. 

Most training regimens when armed with the basics and a few specific targeted exercises will work if you're consistent and train hard toward your  goal. 

I find when I'm just going into the gym for sake of lifting, I don't progress as well. I may even regress. 

So I split my year up into 3 phases. Fall/winter= strength, spring= cutting, summer= maintenance. 

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I find for me if I don’t keep my body guessing I slow in my progress.  So find a few different splits you like and that work for you and rotate them.  Keep shocking the body keep it guessing.

I rock out the ppl quite often, it’s always been my go to.

Chest/Tri/Delts (7 sets each at 4x3 for 2 exercises)

Back/Lats/Traps/Bis (same as above)

Quads/Ham/calves (same as above)

rinse and repeat, take a rest day as needed.

start at 6-8 reps, increase weight when I hit 10 reps

fequency over volume wins imo

I never stick to one specific split. Depending on my schedule I may have to work more or less body parts than I would like, or do full body workouts. 

Anyone that has lifted for more than 10 year would tell you they mix things up quite a bit, Adaptation get's harder the longer you're in the game. Which is why vets always tell noobs to run a simple test only cycle to start. Give yourself space for progress. 

Although I almost to leg day exclusively unless it's full body where I keep it to an isolation exercise. 

Leg days just knock the crap out of you. I feel adding another exercise on top of it would suffer. 

I never stick to one specific split. Depending on my schedule I may have to work more or less body parts than I would like, or do full body workouts. 

Anyone that has lifted for more than 10 year would tell you they mix things up quite a bit, Adaptation get's harder the longer you're in the game. Which is why vets always tell noobs to run a simple test only cycle to start. Give yourself space for progress. 

Although I almost to leg day exclusively unless it's full body where I keep it to an isolation exercise. 

Leg days just knock the crap out of you. I feel adding another exercise on top of it would suffer. 
I 100% agree with you especially the leg day... not a chance I could throw more on that day without sacrificing some of the intensity I throw at legs

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