Greetings, here's a pic of me critically underweight.

Aug 25, 2022
Hello fellow weight lifting enthusiasts.

I've been looking for somewhere to check in with knowledgeable people from time to time and selected this platform.

I've attached a picture of myself looking sick AF at 140 lbs at 6'2, it's from about a decade ago. I've put on a bit since then, much healthier, much happier. I hope I'll be able to pass on some of my meagre experience to people walking the same path.

Have a good evening, all the best.

oct2011 (1).jpg

Well fortunately for you , You have come to the right place . We have a very experienced knowledgeable group here. Members and Staff are some of the best there is. Please fill us in on your goals . CBDB NorthernLifters Admin Team 

Also it would be helpful to fill us in on any health concerns you may have. This information helps us deliver the proper information to you working around any pre-existing health concerns. Top priority on this board is the health and safety of our members. CBDB NorthernLifters Admin Team.

Hi CBDB, thanks for the warm welcome.

My motivation is vanity, confidence and capability. The capability part is work oriented , the first two are because in my head I'm still a sickly looking string bean teenager.

My goal is a lean 230-240, aiming for classic 1-1.618 ratio.

I have no pre existing health conditions, I don't drink or use recreational substances, the only health concern I have is not injuring myself lifting as my income is reliant on me being more than able bodied.

Well I’d hate to tell you something that you don’t already know. But the only way to put on weight is in a constant caloric surplus. But with that in mind the old way of dirty bulking is the way of the past. It puts stress on your body that is unnecessary you gain too much fat and strains the heart and organs with excess sodium and sugars. A good rule of thumb I give people is a starting point. Add 100 extra calories to each meal which is easy to do. Try it for a few weeks and see where you are on the scale. But remember if you are working out this is where calories in to calories out comes into play. You will have to bump up the calories because you will be expending them. So you will have to maintain your caloric surplus while you are working out trying to build muscle and still gain weight. You will achieve this with clean whole foods there is no magic pill for this. It might mean adding another chicken breast and and extra cup of rice. Remember calories are calories so give the body good calories it can utilize. You are looking at food as a fuel now not a pleasure. It’s what the food can do for you. CBDB NorthernLifters Admin Team 

Thank you for such a detailed response, eating is always something I struggle with so getting calories in is always my limiting factor.

The point I'm at now is the last 20 or 30 lbs, I don't like to weigh myself frequently as that can become problematic for me but was 207 about 10 days ago.

Still a lot of work to do, probs the hardest part. 

This pic was taken yesterday evening, apologies for the dirty mirror I'll get someone to sort that out today.


Do you take any PEDS ? As I said just add 100 calories to each meal. That picture looks really good. Congratulations on the good work. We are here to support you in anyway we can. CBDB NorthernLifters Admin Team 

Cheers dude, feels odd not being disgusted by the sight of myself lol.

I did a couple of months on LGD4 and MK677,  couldn't really tell whether they were doing anything so decided to just spend money on whey instead.

I am looking at a run of aas in the near future. Currently reading up on stuff and buying gear and ancillaries getting everything ready. Will be test/deca for 12 weeks. Just need to make sure my knob keeps firing on all cylinders cause... Well, I need it. 

I wanted to join a group like this so I could discuss things that don't seem to have a clear answer, like if using tamoxifen while on nandrolone drivitives will accelerate gyno. Some say absolutely do not take, others say if oestrogen and progesterone are in check the moxi will be just fine.

Also I'm the kind of guy that takes 4 acid tabs the first time he tries acid so it's good for me to be able to check in with people who can let me know if the dumb thing I'm planning on doing will kill me.

I think for my first real cycle I’d just run a test only cycle . You need to know how you will react to that first . If you add compounds on your first cycle and you get sides you won’t know what’s causing it and it will be a little harder to get under control. You also don’t want to have to start dealing with Deca Dick first run. I’d start with 3-400mg of test only and see how you do. That much test should give you good results. CBDB NorthernLifters Admin Team 

You know, I've read that a lot so there must be something to it.

New plan is 4 weeks on Test P, just to test the water. Not bothered about injection frequency as I have a lovely lady ready and willing to do all those for me. 

I have arimidex, moxi, caber, letro in stock already so pct is covered. 

Got 25mm 24g and 30mm 23g for pinning and a load of 40mm 21g for drawing.

I'll pick up a couple of vials this week and will post results, or whine about problems!

At 4 weeks you will already be shut down anyway, why not try Test-E at 400mg wk and pin 200mg Tuesday and 200mg Thursday. This will keep steady levels as well as reduce pinning. And at that dose you shouldn’t need an AI but stranger things have happened but it’s unlikely. You really won’t notice much at 4 weeks , If it was me I’d go 12 weeks see your results and how you feel and if all is good I’d go to 16 weeks and then PCT. We have a lot of great sponsors here with quality products. I personally use MedicusResearch and they are top quality. But they are all great. CBDB NorthernLifters 

Evening dude,

I don't think I'd be able to order from your sources as I'm in the UK and importing steroids is illegal. I can however legally buy them from domestic online source, shops and legally possess them, which is nice. 

You make some very sensible suggestions, four weeks would've just been to familiarise myself with the process and possibly sides. It would be a waste not to capitalise on been shutdown anyways and so I've been shopping.

You remember the comment I made about taking 4 acid tabs at once?

Well this is probs only marginally less stupid.

I'll report my findings.


I hope you are not taking tren for your first cycle. That is a compound for more seasoned users. There are a lot of side effects to deal with using that compound. You get prolactin sides and agressive mental sides , sleep deprivation excessive sweating. Paranoid thoughts just to name a few. CBDB NorthernLifters Admin Team 

Yes mate, wife jabbed me other night, .7ml of each so about 70mg test, 70 mast and 140 tren.

Woke up feeling like I'd been shot in the arse AND run into a brick wall, by the time evening came around I felt tippy top. Feel like I could break cinder blocks over my cock now, its amazing feeling having this stuff in you.

I have caber to take .25mg E3D and letro at .625 to 1.25mg EoD and ill be taking moxi as a preventative measure cause I have loads and don't want tits.

I also have melatonin slow release pills so sleep disruption should be manageable. 

Thank you for your concern though, its good that you try to dissuade people from courses of action such as the one I'm taking.

It's my second jab tonight and I'm going to opt for the 30mm 23g needle , see if getting it deeper into the tissue alleviates some of the ouch.

Well how did your cycle go? Were you happy with your gains? How were the sides and what did you do to control them. What would you do differently next time?