Growing Muscle Program by Amit Sapir


Trusted Member
Aug 23, 2018
How I Finally Got Muscle to Grow - Phase 2

by Amit Sapir | 02/24/14

You can read all about Amit’s training and other logs or splits on T Nation as well.


If you want to stop spinning your wheels and finally build some muscle, and I mean a lot of muscle, you need to use two training methods: heavy strength training to build muscle density and hardness, and hypertrophy methods that focus on rep volume and intensity techniques.

In the first part of this three-phase program, I outlined the exact workouts I use for the Strength phase. Now let's look at the next 10-day phase: Volume.


To get big, not just strong, you need volume in your training in addition to strength and power exercises. There's going to be a lot of exercise variety with any high-volume training program, and variety is good! Every time I've introduced something new to my training that my body isn't used to, it's had a positive effect on muscle growth and strength.

However, variety doesn't mean "cram as many goofy exercises into one training program as you can." You need a strategic plan. You have to apply volume and variety intelligently, in its own phase.

Here's how you do it:

Phase 2 - Volume

Day 1 – Quads, Hams, Posterior Chain


ALying Hamstring Curl – After the fifth set, keep doing additional sets until you can't do 10 reps525, 20, 15, 12, 10


CBarbell Lunge (wide stance)312-15

D1Standing Hamstring Curl312-15

D2Stiff-Leg Deadlift312-15

ESeated Hamstring Curl220

FLeg Extension420, 15, 12, 12

GWide Stance Leg Press425, 20, 15, 12

HPendulum Squat/Hack Squat312-15

Day 2 – Chest, Triceps


AIncline Barbell or Dumbbell Press415, 13, 11, 10

BLow Incline Dumbbell Flye312-15

CFlat Dumbbell Press312-15

DMachine Flye312-15

EHammer Strength Press (Decline)212-15

FMachine Dip312-15

GCable Straight Bar Pushdown312-15

HStraight Bar Overhead Extension312-15

IClose Grip Bench Push-up2failure

Day 3 – OFF

Day 4 – Back, Biceps


ANeutral Chin-Up412-15

BWide Grip Pulldown312-15

CLow Row, Cable or Hammer312-15

DOne-Arm Reverse Pulldown212-15

EHigh Row Hammer212-15

FStanding EZ Bar Curl – 2 sets close, 2 sets wide412-15

GPreacher Machine Curl312-15

H1Concentration Dumbbell Hammer Curl212-15

H2Preacher One-Arm Machine212-15

Day 5 – Shoulders


AReverse Pec Dec315-20

BStanding Lateral Machine312-15

CSeated Hammer Press415, 12, 11, 10

DDumbbell Front Raise312-15

ESeated Lateral Machine215-20

Day 6 – OFF

Day 7 – Quads, Hams (Quad emphasis)


ALeg Extension525, 20, 15, 12, 12

BPendulum Squat/Hack Squat412-15

CNarrow Barbell Lunges (Smith)412-15

DFront Squat2-320-25

EHamstring Circuit – Pick 3 different hamstring curl machines and perform a circuit. Do 12-15 per exercise.312-15

Day 8 – Arms


AStanding Barbell Curl312-15

BLying Decline Dumbbell Skullcrusher312-15

CStanding Hammer Curl312-15

DRope Pushdown312-15

EHammer Preacher Machine312-15

FClose-grip Decline Bench312-15

GDumbbell Concentration Curl2-312-15

HOverhead Dumbbell Extension2-312-15

Day 9 & 10 – OFF

Enjoy this second phase... if you can. The volume is crazy, so expect a skin-tearing pump. You can also expect to be thoroughly exhausted after each workout. And if you find yourself dreading the never-ending nature of these workouts, don't think things are going to get any easier. The insanity of Phase 3 is yet to come.

Nice article msclmama. I'll try it out 

He claims he has rather poor genetics,he is rather short,but pretty thick.