Gym closures


Aug 21, 2018
Anyone worried about gym closures with covid 19? Ontario schools are now closed and I know that's public but a lot of private businesses are looking at work from home and other options

It will probably happen. Mine has been closed for 2 months already, but then, location location location. 

I know in Italy, South Korea, etc they have shut them down.

Gyms in the US are still running but once you start to see them close over there you know they will start closing in Canada. 

probably will happen because most gyms don't give a fuck about cleanliness, not especially the people who go there. I've seen people sneeze and cough into their hands and then put those hands on machines and barbells. It's nasty

I use a wipe before and after. Try and clean all parts I touch  

So far in Alberta they’re only banning gatherings of 250+ people. Schools are, as of this moment, still open. Our gym is still open. I suspect the schools will eventually close though. 
the gym? I guess we’ll find out soon enough. 

I hope not I'll be pissed. They closed our shitty work gym.

If they close my regular gym I'll be pissed 😞

Our gym they are cleaning on the regular (dummbbells, barbells, benches, etc... which is great)

I'm seeing people post online complaining that places like GoodLife haven't closed down. I don't understand this behaviour. Take care of yourself, if you think it's too much risk don't go. If you do go, be smart. Wash your hands before and after. Wipe down your shit. Don't touch your mouth.

Quebec shutting down everything from today. My gym is closed for the next two weeks. At least. Gonna lose my shit

Alberta just shut down schools and day cares. And city’s have shut down the city Public gyms and pools. It’s not gonna be long till they all go. 

and that sucks ass, but I’m way more worried about not having anywhere to put the kids now. They’re not old enough to stay home. 

This is getting out of hand. SARS or swine flu were worse, but they never shut down anything let alone schools and daycare. 

as long as my gym doesnt close im good

i was just ordered to work from home and i do not mind.

Snowflakes running the show.... good grief.
LMAO, 100%.

People are complaining about places being open still, then when they close, they complain about that. People are fuked. It wont be a few weeks closed, more like a month or more. Massive deload weeks...

Rosconow ... I am right there with you in the same mindset. I think it's great that we are collectively trying to limit transmission and avoid overloading healthcare systems but on the other hand the sheer unnecessary fear and panic is leading to outright silliness. Some friends of mine are now without a gym to go to as their local gyms full dives into the herdthink and closes their case, very small town middle of nowhere in NS, honestly not the most likely spot for covid to just appear and take everyone out. 

I am fortunate here where I am in BC in my town that my gym and another are still open (perhaps being small businesses they have to) but I still worry they'll lose all reason and join in on this trend.

I don't remember any of this nonsense surrounding SARS but well, world wasn't quite as connected as it is now...strangely enough.

Everyone expects someone else to take care of things for them. Personal responsibility went where? Wash hands, don't rub your hands all over your damn face, be sanitary...I dunno. Not sure why that's such a hard thing. Shit, I wouldn't even hit my gym's door opening button with my bare hands before this and always sanitized hands before and after gym (just caught too many regular colds that way).