Happy Cannabis day!


Oct 13, 2018
We'll, it's finally official. Not really going to make a big difference to me, but probably will for some people. I'm all for it. The BC online site is sold out, lol.

surprise surprise,time for some good old cbd oils

Light a fat one funlog 
I love me some CBD oil! Been using some for the past year, great stuff!

All I see on social media are people complaining about the prices  :classic_huh: like when did the government ever price something inexpensive? lol

Lucky Canadians. In my country everything is illegal. I cannot even buy highly dosed CBD oil  :classic_mellow:

Lucky Canadians. In my country everything is illegal. I cannot even buy highly dosed CBD oil  :classic_mellow:
There was NO need for it to be legal. Not all of us are happy about it. Medicinal concoctions; oils, etc, thats different. But pot? Jesus, not like anyone here give a single flying fuck. Its not the States where a joint can get you locked up. No one here cares. Only the potheads did, and now they've just made it easier to create more potheads, and the collective IQ suffers. Why people couldn't just shut the fuck up and light a joint i dont fucking understand. Yay. 

There was NO need for it to be legal. Not all of us are happy about it. Medicinal concoctions; oils, etc, thats different. But pot? Jesus, not like anyone here give a single flying fuck. Its not the States where a joint can get you locked up. No one here cares. Only the potheads did, and now they've just made it easier to create more potheads, and the collective IQ suffers. Why people couldn't just shut the fuck up and light a joint i dont fucking understand. Yay. 
No offence Wada'sWorstNightmare and I respect your opinion but many of us do care.  I had it medicinally available, but there certainly are benefits for those who use it recreationally legally now.  Firstly, I should mention that not everyone who uses it is a "pothead".  You would never know that I (or many others) use it and I never use it in public - for me, it's normally just in the evening before bed.  I don't go around calling everyone who has a beer or other type of booze an "alcoholic" so maybe try to take it easy on us folks who make the choice to use another legal substance that's not alcohol responsibly as an adult.  I also don't refer to those who chose to smoke cigarettes as any particular stereotype and they are likely even worse for you than cannabis.  I don't believe it's going to create more "potheads" as the type of people who would become "potheads" wanted it, they could have used it all along anyways.

It's very nice to not have to look over your shoulder and be worried about getting jacked up and having it seized from you and then having your name on some system for something so stupid.  What a huge waste of everyone's time and resources.  It's also very good to know exactly what you are getting and to be able to buy it legitimately like you can with alcohol.

I've said it before, as a slight Bill Hick's (comedian) reference, "it's not a war on drugs, it's a war on personal freedom" so everyone should be happy to have gotten back at least a little of our freedom to some degree.

Thank you,


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Ahhh... but i was speaking specifically OF the potheads, the chronics, the joint-flag-waving advocates. Maybe i know more of them than you do, i know a LOT of them, and frankly, i'm fucking sick of hearing about how benign it is, how it can cure cancer, disease, war, and make your dick grow three inches. Its fucking pot. Shut the fuck up and smoke it. Nobody cares. And to be fair, any cop that would 'jack' you for smoking a joint today sounds like the kind of prick that'll jack you for pretty much anything. Here's a fun exercise; research how many laws you could break regarding any and all aspects of pot before last week, and research how many you can break now. I'll give you a hint, the country has NOT become a better place. More laws = less freedom, and some of us are particularly invested in personal freedoms. Again, if this were the Paranoid States of America  this would be different. They are STILL fucking 'jacking' people for a fucking joint. What a shithole. I know even more people that just enjoy it as needed, a little here and there, like you. Not MY thing, but nothing wrong with that at all. Those people do not really have it much, or any better. As for getting 'bad' pot, well... that was one of my arguments for some time, and if i had a joint for every advocate that swore up and down that there is NO POSSIBLE WAY to get 'bad' pot, well... i'd be able to corner the market. So, that argument has been LOCKED. People cant use it one way pre-legalization, and then flip the other way after, no fucking way. 

Are you actually going to buy it from stores now? Does it not gall you to pay more because the government wants a cut? The same government that was 'jacking' people just a week ago? Fuck them. I'd still be buying from a dealer. At least a drug dealer is honest. This is actually one of the more galling aspects of all this for me.

On your last point. I'd argue we just lost more personal freedom than we gained, and that too is my point. Worse? Myself, and many other non-smokers did not gain a fucking thing... and yet, we still lost everything you did. THAT... is fucking bullshit.

You know, at least we can be civil about it. I thought for sure i was getting flamed on this one...


Thanks for following up and clarifying some of your points.  No worries about flames coming from me as it's just a conversation and nothing personal - us "potheads" can be peaceful at times.   :classic_smile:   You sound like you must definitely must know more of these types of people than I do but if I went back 20+years I'm sure I'd be hanging out with a few off them.  You might not understand or appreciate their excitement but it wouldn't hurt to ignore it and let them have their fun for a little while.  I wasn't offended since I don't consider myself a "pothead" but was just sticking up for it now being legal rather than under the whole Prohibition thing like alcohol used to be as well at one time in the last century.  I see where you are coming from on some points but I would just say there's no real need to worry about it as it will all calm down once the novelty wears off.  I haven't actually noticed any difference since the 17th.

I have made two purchases from the online store in Ontario but the first one hasn't even come in yet.  I just wanted to try some of the strains that I wasn't able to get before.  When you have a Licensed Producer you normally are stuck with their products for 6 months to 1 year or until you renew your prescription.  This is not a problem if you go with a good L.P. and they have a good selection and stock.  I am actually quite interested in the genetics and breeding and terpenes which makes the different strains and also find the history on when and where they originated from and their connections with other strains somewhat interesting.  When you vaporize you can actually taste and appreciate this stuff (and there's no smell with my vaporizer) unlike smoking it where it's not as obvious.

I hate taxes but paying a little tax here is not a huge issue as people pay large amounts of excise & taxes all the time for alcohol and cigarettes.  They had to tax it to show everyone against it that at least they will make some money and to be "fair" since they tax everything else including alcohol and cigarettes.  If it means I get to buy legally and know what I'm getting then it's worth it.  I have had some awkward purchase experiences in the past and don't enjoy buying off old buddies, ex-girlfriends, friend of a friend, etc. at all hours of the night in shady locations.

If I could walk into a store and buy AAS over the counter at a decent price (or get it covered by insurance) and without too many taxes I certainly would and I think many others would as well.  I would also consider that another small victory for all our freedom.  I know that others who are against it wouldn't be happy though which is sort of similar to your example of not feeling like you won anything over cannabis now being legal for recreational purposes.  Luckily we have Canadian UGLs to help us for all of our AAS needs.   :classic_biggrin: