Having to take a step back from everything


Trusted Member
Aug 16, 2018
Although I feel better than I have in a long time, stopping all the gear and slowing down really beats me up mentally. 

For the last year I have been having some serious dizzy spells to the point that I feel like I am dying. My doctors can’t explain it, but it seems to only happen when I am on cycle. 

There are a few things that touch the high mark with my bloods. Hematocrit, cholesterol and my egfr is low. I have gone off of everything and just focused on feeling good again. 

I am still training the same and I have only lost about 15 pounds. I still have this thought in my mind maybe I won’t be able to go at things as hard as I used to and it feels kind of discouraging. As far as I know they think my heart is fine. I wore a monitor for a bit.  

Anyone else ever go through something like this?

When I take ephridrine I have the same feeling....was told an increase bp.

Now i take my fish oil and stopped ephedrine feel better.

I feel great now my bp and heart rate are good again. My bp when bad was only high  140s over high 80s. It wasn’t really that bad. Yesterday I was 130/80. Maybe the combination of everything being sightly off has snowballed on me.

I started taking psyllium husk and strangely I think that has had the greatest effect on me. I am way hungrier and feel more energetic. I don’t know if I have hippie nonsense in my head, but it feels like I had a hangover when I first started taking it like my body was detoxing. I have been drinking water like a fish, I will get my bloods checked again, do some donations and if I feel like I can get at er again while feeling healthy I will. I just feel kind of down about the whole thing.

I feel like what you are describing when I come off high amounts of androgens. I've been told it's linked to dopamine. 

How long have you been off? Are you sure your bodies endocrine system has recovered fully? 

I've had some crazy head rushes when doing keto protocols, but they were almost euphoric. 

Well I did 6 weeks of hrt dose still felt kinda crappy, but not as bad, then I went on pct for four weeks after my last hrt shot. I think I will take 6m to a year off before I start considering it again. I feel really good

Well I did 6 weeks of hrt dose still felt kinda crappy, but not as bad, then I went on pct for four weeks after my last hrt shot. I think I will take 6m to a year off before I start considering it again. I feel really good
Well if you are feeling good that's great. Even with all the science and "bro science" behind AAS I still find it to be a bit of an art. If you do end up taking the plunge again start at low doses and be patient. Figure out what feels good and what doesn't. Glad your feeling better and good luck.

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The fiber likely had a positive effect on your lipid profile.

I feel great now my bp and heart rate are good again. My bp when bad was only high  140s over high 80s. It wasn’t really that bad. Yesterday I was 130/80. Maybe the combination of everything being sightly off has snowballed on me.

I started taking psyllium husk and strangely I think that has had the greatest effect on me. I am way hungrier and feel more energetic. I don’t know if I have hippie nonsense in my head, but it feels like I had a hangover when I first started taking it like my body was detoxing. I have been drinking water like a fish, I will get my bloods checked again, do some donations and if I feel like I can get at er again while feeling healthy I will. I just feel kind of down about the whole thing.
I'm guessing your cholesterol is a mess. I get that dizzy shit very occasionally, and mine is HIGH (as in, bad). I can feel it when its worse (during spells of bad nutrition), and thats when it'll happen. I cleaned up my cholesterol and that shit went away. The fact that the psyllium husk helped backs this up, as stuff like Metamucil is GOLD for fixing cholesterol. 

What kind of cycles/gear were you running? Compounds, doses, durations, etc.

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Although I feel better than I have in a long time, stopping all the gear and slowing down really beats me up mentally. 

For the last year I have been having some serious dizzy spells to the point that I feel like I am dying. My doctors can’t explain it, but it seems to only happen when I am on cycle. 

There are a few things that touch the high mark with my bloods. Hematocrit, cholesterol and my egfr is low. I have gone off of everything and just focused on feeling good again. 

I am still training the same and I have only lost about 15 pounds. I still have this thought in my mind maybe I won’t be able to go at things as hard as I used to and it feels kind of discouraging. As far as I know they think my heart is fine. I wore a monitor for a bit.  

Anyone else ever go through something like this?
Regardless of what the culprit was - I want to congratulate you on putting your health first... I see too many people sacrificing there well being for an extra pound or two of muscle. Have you gotten blood work again since stopping usage to compare?

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Well I did 6 weeks of hrt dose still felt kinda crappy, but not as bad, then I went on pct for four weeks after my last hrt shot. I think I will take 6m to a year off before I start considering it again. I feel really good
Durk if I was you I go to USA see a steroid pro doctor ( I only know 2) I have a scared before and I did fly to L.A to visit one only one life man! if you have a little money to spare i try to see one of them! here Doctor know nothing on AAS!

is internet site!


is youtube 


I'm guessing your cholesterol is a mess. I get that dizzy shit very occasionally, and mine is HIGH (as in, bad). I can feel it when its worse (during spells of bad nutrition), and thats when it'll happen. I cleaned up my cholesterol and that shit went away. The fact that the psyllium husk helped backs this up, as stuff like Metamucil is GOLD for fixing cholesterol. 

What kind of cycles/gear were you running? Compounds, doses, durations, etc.
Yes my cholesterol was on the high side

Regardless of what the culprit was - I want to congratulate you on putting your health first... I see too many people sacrificing there well being for an extra pound or two of muscle. Have you gotten blood work again since stopping usage to compare?
Got testested 2 weeks ago everything seems fine except for egfr. I bought a one gallon jug of water and I have been drinking it every day since my last test. I think I will get another blood test Monday I worked out today so I don’t know if thAt would be enough time off between now and then. Also limit protein a bit

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Durk you give blood? if I was you I start by that at least 2x time a year it cycle blood cells reduce blood pressure and Cholesterol ? 
I will try again it makes me super dizzy and sick feeling the last couple times.

I will try again it makes me super dizzy and sick feeling the last couple times.
Remember to never work out 24 hrs before a blood test it fuck the result big time, if you feel dizzy giving blood I think ( I am not doctor ) it show low iron something very odd for somebody on cycle  can you ask your doctor a full blood panel including vitamin ?

My iron’s fine. Might be anxiety. IM shots don’t bug me, but something about drawing blood bugs me

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Don’t train a few days before you do you bloods, also just eat normal meals those days,

The egfr is designed for average couch potatoes not bodybuilders.  If you have higher than normal bodymass it needs to be recalculated.  I wouldn’t worry if you are over 90.

Sta away from tren.

My iron’s fine. Might be anxiety. IM shots don’t bug me, but something about drawing blood bugs me
Yeah... it bugs me too. It really fucking bugs me that the nice girl can jab a needle the size of a 12ga bore into my arm and i dont feel a god damn thing. Yet... i try and nicely push a 25ga cunt hair into my leg and it feels like a fucking red-hot rat-tail file being slowly pushed into my skin... What wizardry is this!!!???!