Heads up our government digging deeper than legally allowed


Trusted Member
Aug 21, 2018
Heads up guys and gals government over reach going on here.  Please read!!!  Asking for specifics like credit card payments and e transfers like wtf!?? This government is fucked!!

this all from a government that last census lost a bunch of sensitive documents of OUR information.  Left on subways.... blowing out of cars in the wind.....  please vote these idiots out come next year


Its hard for me to have sympathy when i hear about this. Yeah, evil government, yeah corruption and outright theft... but we've KNOWN this for a long time now. This is nothing new. What IS new however, is people pissing their rights and freedoms away, and gambling HARD on their future, by allowing cash to die as a form of currency. Almost everyone i know is afraid of cash now, and thinks that going full-electric is the way to go. Yeah, how convenient. How easy. How safe. Yeah sure... until the government, for whatever reason, decides you dont need your money anymore, or decides to take more than you want them to (hey, didn't pay that fine on time because you know, your family had to EAT?), or decides to cut you off, or (and this has happened elsewhere already) runs their own shit into the ground and closes up shop... cutting you off. When there is no more real, actual money... you are 100% at the mercy of whoever is running this circus shitshow. 

My issue is, that not all of us are so trusting, or so naive, and us few have stuck with cash and other forms of money, but now thats not good enough. Now everyone else has decided that I need to place my life in the hands of crooks. There are many things now that i cant buy... with real actual money. Fucking stupid. Thanks. Still, i wont bend until there is NO money left, or no where to spend it. I DONT FUCKING TRUST BANKS, OR GOVERNMENTS. So when this shit happens? and people that do get fucked? Well... its hard not to laugh. Yeah, i'll get fucked in the end like everyone else, but until then? 

2019 election can’t come here fast enough. To be honest, I’m kind of happy he’s still doing dumb shit like this, it’ll just further solidify his ass out the door next year.

Unfortunately there are too many under educated people in this country that listen to whatever the idiot box (tv) tells them.  Anyone notice this hasn’t hardly been in the news?

 How about all the other giant fuck ups he’s had has any news outlet actually spent time covering it? News spent more time on Patrick brown who drove a woman home after she asked him to than Trudeau the supposed leader of our country groping a reporter....

if it happened to be a conservative that that story came out about you’d hear about it non stop on every channel.  But because he’s got slick hair and stupid fucking socks the sheeple of this country vote for him.

i wasn’t the biggest Harper fan but Jesus Atleast he knew budgets don’t balance themselves.  Imagine this clown was in charge when the entire world shit the bed in 08 where would we be now.

i don’t trust any politician and for those that say they are all fucked... yup I agree.  But, if I’m going to have a shit sandwich I’d rather a single serving rather than a triple decker shit sandwich

2019 election can’t come here fast enough. To be honest, I’m kind of happy he’s still doing dumb shit like this, it’ll just further solidify his ass out the door next year.
So... you honestly think that stupid fuck is NOT going to get back in? Who else is there? Lets forget the fact that most paintlickers in this country vote with their eyes, or go for the prettiest signs/stickers, or that most voters in this country think guns literally shoot children by themselves and that rainbow colored crosswalks is social justice... but who else is there? Can ANYONE name a single solid challenger? No. You cant. I'm no career politician, but i dont know... i think perhaps a START for having a shot at the biggest office in the country might be that at least 10 people knew your name. This country is fucked. PROPER-fucked. This fag is gonna get back in, and there will be no one there to stop him. Look at the last one, there was a BIG name, the biggest. Harper. Love him or hate him, he was big, popular (enough), and hadn't pissed off EVERYBODY in the land yet. Further, he wasn't weird-looking had an easy to pronounce name. Sadly, thats a big deal. He lost. No... i think we're in for another stint of hyper-PC over the top liberal madness, and even more posturing and financial pandering to our enemies. So far? as i see it? the traitor wont even need to campaign...

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Quite frankly, the ONLY chance we have of not seeing this shithead's smug, ignorant face on the front pages the day after the next election is if Harper decided to take another shot at it. Not that he was perfect, but at least this time he wont be arrogant about it (which is how he lost the last one), and well... suddenly he looks a LOT better than he did last time...

So... you honestly think that stupid fuck is NOT going to get back in? Who else is there? Lets forget the fact that most paintlickers in this country vote with their eyes, or go for the prettiest signs/stickers, or that most voters in this country think guns literally shoot children by themselves and that rainbow colored crosswalks is social justice... but who else is there? Can ANYONE name a single solid challenger? No. You cant. I'm no career politician, but i dont know... i think perhaps a START for having a shot at the biggest office in the country might be that at least 10 people knew your name. This country is fucked. PROPER-fucked. This fag is gonna get back in, and there will be no one there to stop him. Look at the last one, there was a BIG name, the biggest. Harper. Love him or hate him, he was big, popular (enough), and hadn't pissed off EVERYBODY in the land yet. Further, he wasn't weird-looking had an easy to pronounce name. Sadly, thats a big deal. He lost. No... i think we're in for another stint of hyper-PC over the top liberal madness, and even more posturing and financial pandering to our enemies. So far? as i see it? the traitor wont even need to campaign...
I completely agree, all I can do is hope. He’s been a fucking disaster, but historically, it’s rare for a prime minister to only do one stint then get elected out. He’s been importing votes for years, and for the most part the east love(d) him.

But he is a fuck up, he is pissing a lot of Canadians off, and he’s bungled up pretty much everything he gets his dirty hands on. It’s not 100% guaranteed that he’s going to be re-elected, probably will be, but it’s not set, especially if he continues to try and stay in the spotlight like the drama queen that he is. He’s his own worst enemy.

I completely agree, all I can do is hope. He’s been a fucking disaster, but historically, it’s rare for a prime minister to only do one stint then get elected out. He’s been importing votes for years, and for the most part the east love(d) him.

But he is a fuck up, he is pissing a lot of Canadians off, and he’s bungled up pretty much everything he gets his dirty hands on. It’s not 100% guaranteed that he’s going to be re-elected, probably will be, but it’s not set, especially if he continues to try and stay in the spotlight like the drama queen that he is. He’s his own worst enemy.
When I’m actually hearing from people who couldn’t care less about politics telling me they hate his drama teaching ass, that’s when I actually think people are waking up to what a shit show he has been.

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i think all politics are dirty and bullshit,media only shows us what we are programmed to see and believe. I do a lot of independent reading because media is not trustworthy

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News sources on the right have been hounded....CBC is a joke at times.The U.S has more diversity in their news sources.

Quite frankly, the ONLY chance we have of not seeing this shithead's smug, ignorant face on the front pages the day after the next election is if Harper decided to take another shot at it. Not that he was perfect, but at least this time he wont be arrogant about it (which is how he lost the last one), and well... suddenly he looks a LOT better than he did last time...
The left wing media would go full commie.Just look at the hatchet job they did on Maxime Bernier.