Heart burn and some remedies


Head Servant at NL
Aug 15, 2018
Stomach acid is backing up in your esophagus.. Acid reflux can cause irreversible damage to tissue, make sure you treat it..  While milk may temporarily buffer stomach acid, nutrients in milk, particularly fat, will stimulate the stomach to produce more acid...

Practice proper posture.
Elevate from the waist up.
Mix in a teaspoon of baking soda into a glass of water (or just drink water if you can't stand the baking soda)..
Chew gum to help neutralize acid.
Stay away from cigarette smoke.

Acid reflux absolutely sucks! I suffered for too long before I went to a doctor. Put me on Omeprazole and problem solved. Thanks for the post, never knew about the gum. 😀

Apple cider vinegar.  Takes a few months to work.

stop using daily cialis, lol.

Apple cider vinegar for sure. That is why I originally started taking it over 10 years ago. It took about 3 weeks to work but I have never had heartburn since. Two tablespoons in a glass of water three times a day. 

apple cider vin is a temp fix

if you got heart burn bad, i always take OTC medicine, first thing in the morning and it'll last all day.

I find that a few things will bring on heartburn and for me spicy food isn’t one.

Dehydration, coffee, carbonated pop.  

I avoid orals.

I use tums, fir occasional heartburn.  If it got worse I’d go to the doctor.  My Aunt died from chronic heartburn which eventually created cancer cells.

my heart burn was bad during pregnancy. zantac on the daily

now it's hit or miss... indigestion though, wow. i either need to chew or what. i typically get it when i eat tuna or chicken. it's fucking so bad that, i end up having to make myself puke to relieve the pain. gross. i know but, if i don't take a zantac before one of those meals, i'm doomed. oh, and carrots do it too.. why carrots, i don't have a clue! 

I was diagnosed with GERD approx 15 years ago and initially started on Zantac but quickly went on to a PPI and have used numerous since but now using Dexilant exclusively. Works great but I wish I had of tried apple cider vinegar first because some studies as of late suggest PPI could damage kidney functions 

I was diagnosed with GERD approx 15 years ago and initially started on Zantac but quickly went on to a PPI and have used numerous since but now using Dexilant exclusively. Works great but I wish I had of tried apple cider vinegar first because some studies as of late suggest PPI could damage kidney functions 
Yes you got that right- it does. I have nexium in hand. Use it at least once a month, Zantac almost every couple days. Been using nexium a lot more in the past when I drank more beer. Cutting the beer out also almost eliminated my heartburn.