Hello Everbody

Nov 14, 2020
Sorry guys i was going to do this the other day. I want to start by just saying glad to be apart of the forum. I love being apart of community of like minded individuals. I am a littler older now i'm 40 but started in the world of lifting when i was just a teen, but i think that i can always learn new things and methods from other people and that's what i love about being apart of forum. So thank you all for having me!!

Welcome to NorthernLifters please take the time to get aquatinted with our rules , We have great members here and a wealth of information here but keep in mind we are NOT and open source board, Please stick around and contribute where you can , Enjoy your stay , CBDB NorthernLifters Admin Team.

Welcome to NL big dog (you see what I did there, you know, with your avatar and such being a big dog)

NL humor...dry style. 

 Always great to hear someone say they want to learn!  Only way to get better. Every day is a school day!  Welcome!!! 

Yeah you bet, There is always something new being tried tested and experimented with.  Never to old to learn.

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