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So I’ve recently lost substantial weight over last year and made small gains.  I’m currently 180 now training 5-6 day a week.  What should I do from here ? It seems there are many opinions out there as of for training and sources.  and what is the best for someone starting out considering my age and situation?

Well what's ur nutrition like, meal plan, calories, etc... If u want to gain u can't just train, u have to eat. Training is to stimulate and break down, but the repair and growth is dependent on food intake 

My nutrition is good , mostly whole foods,  high protein diet , I eat 4-5 times daily. I’d would say i eat 2400-2600 calories daily I’m assuming my body may be recomping.  my gains seem to fade away though, but losing fat still.

Raising your calories to say 2900 and still lifting progressively should help you gain, work your way up slowly.

What do you mean by gains seem to fade away, I would say you are expecting dramatic results, quality gains take time, years, even with gear.

Eating 5 times a day is the minimum for me haha... I eat 6 days every day 100% Although I eat up to 4000 calories a day and I'm 230-240lbs and I need to increase my calories.

Hard to tell without pictures your current conditioning and size.

Also being more specific on nutrition matters, just saying you are eating aproximately some foods is not the same as saying I eat this specific type of meal. Just saying whole food is very broad. I eat chicken breast, salmon, rice, eggs, these are specifics.

what I mean loosing gains im loosing weight along with muscle can’t keep it.  I started a year ago 75 lb heavier,  happy about weight loss but mass gets smaller it seems light I’m spinning my tires 

I mostly eat chicken breast rice or potatoes or yams also eat pork and beef and eggs also supplementing with protein shakes and bars.  I cheat with pasta 2B1E5D2D-452B-4A7C-9BAC-028B9B38F5A3.jpeg

My current condition 

You're doing okay actually and especially with such a large weight loss. It will still take time. You just have to be a bit more patient.

You should do like 20 minutes post lifting cardio. You still need more muscle I am looking at your arms and overall build.

Also newbie gains are not forever, so don't expect to lose fat and gain muscle all the time, eventually you have to pick one or the other.

Looking at your shoulder, traps and arms you have ways to go, add a bit more calories and focus on intensity and give it time. As far as losing fat, yes you still have quite a bit in the mid section but try and do cardio after every lifting session just for heart health and to help with burning some calories extra and boosting your metabolism.

Remember the more muscle you gain the more your metabolism will be driven, so if you are losing muscle (I doubt it probably you shedding water and think its all muscle) then you are starting to see your actual lean size.

Ok I will definitely input that into my program.  So what your implying is I should wait more time for body to improve before gear? Should I be a certain weight?  And thanks for saying that my I’m doing ok 

Yeah, you got to have your training and nutrition dialed in. I mean if you did do gear, it would do some work for you, human greed is real, but, frankly, your results will be more qualitative with a better base.

Nothing replaces nutrition and training.

I definitely agree about nutrition and training. It was the main factor witch allowed me to lose all that weight.

I also agree that I should be better with my diet and overall training.  It’s been lots to learn over last year.

But… if I was to consider gear what would be useful to me? At a slow pace at of course.  

im just looking to be the best version of myself 

Test at a low dose , No need to go crazy even a new user 300mg is enough to see results. Don’t buy into the broscience that you need 500mg it’s completely ridiculous. A new user responds well to anything over baseline. 

Ya man that’s what I’ve been reading what is the best approach. Definitely good with low dose.  I see they have different strengths available out there. When you say test,  Which is what you are referring to? There seems many different forms and names.  I’m just learning about it so forgive me for asking dumb questions 

Just plain test 250 is what is recommend. Easy , Just keep it simple use test - e . No need to over complicate. 

Ok thanks man, I’ve been doing my homework and it’s still tough to make a decision.  Do you also need estrogen blocker too ? I really thank you guys for you help too. 

at 300mg probably not but you do carry still quite a bit of fat and the more fat you have the more u convert test to estrogen.

Maybe what you can do is run aromasin half a pill every 3 days. That should keep things in order.

Ok thanks man.  I appreciate your help and advise.  I now have a better approach at all of this.  I may have other questions to come in future.  So I hope you don’t mind haha