Help with Arthritis


Active member
Aug 15, 2018
Hey boys, anyone have any hands on experience with help with arthritis and GH (or MK 677) or bcp 157?
my brother was asking me about it, one of his buddies recommended bcp 157 for him. But he didn’t have much to say other than he “heard” it’s a help. 
I don’t know anyone who’s ever ran bcp, but I’ve known guys to run GH to help with recovery from injuries, not sure how well that would help with arthritis, but I figured I’d post up here, see if anyone has any hands on experiences with any of these. 

I've ran BPC157 and TB500 a few times. I've had a patient of mine run it for help with long covid.

It is dubbed "the wolverine stack" for it's ability to help heal general tissues and improve general immunity fxn.

Arthritis is formation of bone within a joint due to trauma.  BPC and TB can help with some of the inflammation and trauma associated with it, but it never will recover.  The best medicine for arthritis is exercise.  Lessen the load, focus on slow eccentric and lengthened end range training, dropping the ego (assuming there is one), and staying consistent with a good diet, supplements, and non-impact cardio.

Can BPC and TB help? It sure can.  Will it for your friend?? Try it.  Bodytech has some great supps to help and is very affordable.

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