Here from NM too

Aug 19, 2018
Glad to see another board up to keep it going. Won't be lifting for a little while but anxious to get back into it. Had a distal tendon tear a little over a week ago and it's looking like a surgery and long recovery are in order. Guess it'll be a lot of leg and core workouts in the near future lol

Hey glad to see another member join.

I hate to hear when a member has a injury.

How did you get injured?

Hey glad to see another member join.

I hate to hear when a member has a injury.

How did you get injured?
I have a 100' heavy duty garden hose. I had just disconnected it so it was still full of water and proceeded to grab both ends and "swing" it over. Heard everything pop in my arm and when I looked down I saw my bicep had retracted and knew what had happened ?

  • Shocked
Reactions: funnyman
Holy shit have things changed in the last few years! Glad to see the forum is still up and going hard. Arm fully healed since the last post on here now I just have back issues to contend with lol. Looking forward to browsing the latest posts and getting back into a groove. Need to get some gear and start making the gains again! Nice to see BT still here that's what I used a few years ago so plan is to get in touch with them and get shit started!

Welcome to NorthernLifters, Please take the time to read our rules, We are not an open source board, With that being said please take the time to engage in conversation and contribute where you can, There are lots of great members here with a wealth of information, Please don’t bash other boards or brands here, We pride ourselves in not getting into that kind of drama , Now most importantly enjoy yourself and have fun. CBDB NorthernLifters Admin Team.

It's all healed up. I last posted a couple of years ago. Lots has happened since then and just getting back into a good groove of things so to speak. Serious lower back issues got me out of lifting but I'm working around it now and getting back on track 👍

Lol yeah they do but working on getting everything sorted out. Wait times are crazy to see docs or anybody. At least the arm is good and I'm able to get some lifting in 💪🏻