Hey all!

Feb 7, 2023
Hey guys, thanks so much for having me here. Have been lurking for awhile and excited to be a part of the community and contribute! 

34/M 5'6 184lbs. Lifting for 15 years. 5x/week. Love health and wellness and all things bodybuilding. My wife and I always say, the gym is our happy place. We own a niche bakery in Ontario. Our life is work, gym, kid, dog, sleep...repeat. Wouldn't have it any other way! Thanks again and excited to learn from all of you here at NL.

Welcome ,Please take a quick read of our board rules and become accustomed with this . Most importantly enjoy our board. CBDB NorthernLifters Admin Team 

Welcome ,Please take a quick read of our board rules and become accustomed with this . Most importantly enjoy our board. CBDB NorthernLifters Admin Team 
Hey CBDB! Actually been reading alot of your posts and replies. Incredible helpful and you are obviously very committed and dedicated to helping other members. Been so helpful to me already and you didn't even realize. Much appreciated! 🤝