
Nov 15, 2022
I'm Bigrobbie, been an active lifter for 15+ yrs. Active on a few other forums for yrs but interested to check it out here 

I'm Bigrobbie, been an active lifter for 15+ yrs. Active on a few other forums for yrs but interested to check it out here 
Please let me know the dynamic, the expectations, etc for this community. As I've said I have years on other forums moderating and such so I hope I can be a positive member 

The first steps Sir, Read and understand the board rules. This will take you a long way. There will be no reason for myself or the rest of my staff to step in and make you feel as if we are targeting you. We welcome experienced new members like yourself. Please contribute where and when you can and most of all enjoy the board. CBDB NorthernLifters Admin Team 

The first steps Sir, Read and understand the board rules. This will take you a long way. There will be no reason for myself or the rest of my staff to step in and make you feel as if we are targeting you. We welcome experienced new members like yourself. Please contribute where and when you can and most of all enjoy the board. CBDB NorthernLifters Admin Team 
Thanks for the kind and warm welcome. You know most forums are dog eat dog and brutal flaming especially with new younger guys...the ones who really need the most guidance. 

I look forward to learning more about you guys.