High dose trt or mild steroid cycle


Aug 16, 2018
TRT or 'Roid Cycle?

Here's a question I recently received:

"Would 250 mg. of testosterone a week be considered testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) or a low-dosage cycle? Would you recommend taking something to regulate estrogen with it?"

Well, 250 mg. of testosterone a week doesn't qualify as testosterone replacement unless you used to be lead castrati for the 17th century Vienna Boy's Choir. It's definitely a low-dose steroid cycle, but I can see why you're confused.

More and more TRT docs are starting their patients out at 200 or more milligrams of testosterone a week and automatically starting them on something like the drug Arimidex to regulate estrogen.

This practice isn't exactly criminal, but it is kind of smarmy. Most doctors, when they're prescribing drugs, try to start you out on a low dose of a drug to see how you respond. That allows them to call an audible and increase the dosage if needed.

Not so with most TRT docs. They wink and give you an amount of testosterone that's more suited for TRT in a bull moose or lowland gorilla.

As far as reducing estrogen, it shouldn't even be attempted unless you're manifesting symptoms like itchy or puffy nipples, depression, moodiness, or an anemic sex drive because having the right amount of estrogen is crucial to male health. Too little estrogen, though, and you get funky arteries, brittle bones, achy joints, and run a risk of heart problems.

TRT should start at about 100 mg. a week and be given in bi-weekly (twice a week) subcutaneous injections (not intra-muscular).

Giving the shot subcutaneously (in the lower abdomen with an insulin needle) appears to lead to less aromatization (conversion to estrogen), as does giving a shot twice a week instead of once a week (it lowers the testosterone spike you'd get from a single injection, thus automatically leading to less conversion to estrogen).

Noted TRT specialist Dr. John Crisler, who pioneered these seemingly unorthodox methods, even believes that subcutaneous testosterone injections give you more bang for the buck, even suggesting that 80 mg. of testosterone given sub-Q works as well as 100 mg. given intramuscularly, which is all the more reason to give Arimidex based on symptoms rather than dosage.

If, however, you're paranoid about estrogen, you can eat more cruciferous vegetables (cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts) or take resveratrol, a polyphenol that has a whole host of effects, including regulating estrogen.

I currently have a prescription for 200 mg os test cyp a week. When I was seeing a specialist at a clinic he had me at 320 mg a week and that put my test blood levels at 27, so still in the normal range. He explained to me that everyone uses test more or less efficiently. Don't get caught up on dose, get bloodwork done and see your levels and adjust there. True trt you should keep your test blood levels under 30, and as close to it as possible if you want to be in the top end. When he closed his shop he said family physicians can only prescribe up to 200 mg  a week no matter what so that was all he could suggest my family doc continue with. You should only take AIs if you absolutely have to and are experiencing sides, estrogen helps with your gains so to decrease it will slow your gains. Stan Efferding is a huge supporter of never taking any AI or Serms ever and just deal with the gyno if you get it, meaning get the surgery. He says it is part of the game and that it is better to let your estrogen get high because you will gain more that way.

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I’ve never had gyno so cannot say for sure but I would think any surgery would require recovery. Which I assume would cut into gym time and those hard earned gai s would start to slip away. 
That and there is a good chance that it would reoccur if estro levels are still high because it is difficult to remove all of the glandular tissue. So yeah, don't get the idea to just 'deal with it.' 

I am on 200 Mg/week and was told by multiple doctor’s that this is the maximum dose that qualify for TRT 🙂