High protein foods


Aug 16, 2018

One of the things that makes protein unique when compared to the other macronutrients is that the body can’t store proteins the same way that it can store fat and carbohydrates. This means that it is essential to have adequate protein intake every day (U.S. National Library of Medicine, 2015).

But how much protein is "adequate" for the average person?

Well, the Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for protein is 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight (Pendick, 2015). So, a person weighing 160 pounds, for example, would need 58 grams of protein each day.

While getting enough protein is essential to your bodily functioning, adding more protein to an already balanced diet has its advantages. For example, protein can contribute to your efforts to build muscle.

During an intense workout, muscles undergo microscopic damage. Proteins provide the raw material necessary for constructing additional muscle fibers and rebuilding broken fibers with a thicker constitution- amounting to greater muscular strength and endurance (Schoenfeld, 2010).

Healthy Sources of Dietary Protein

Those seeking to build muscles need to consume more protein than the standard RDA for their weight in order to facilitate the construction of these new and improved muscle fibers.

This being said, we've all found ourselves gorging on high-protein foods like steak or meatloaf to "bulk" only to find ourselves weighed down and unable to keep up with our regular exercise routine. So, then, how can we add protein to our diet without having to worry about its preceived ill effects?

Getting protein from lean, non-animal sources can preserve muscle tissue and help you maintain a healthy weight (Pendick, 2015). When choosing proteins to add to your diet, the type of protein matters. Animal products are high in protein, but they can also have high amounts of saturated or trans fats.

The following list includes only foods that offer protein amidst an overall healthy nutrient profile. Pairing these protein sources with fiber-filled foods, like fruits and vegetables, and healthy starches, such as quinoa or oats, can keep your diet balanced and healthy.


Lean meats

Three ounces of lean meat typically counts as a serving of protein. Some examples of lean meat include ("Nutritional information for meat", n.d.):

For 3 oz (85 g) servings:

  • Skinless chicken breasts — 27.2 g protein, 139 calories
  • Turkey — 14.4 g protein, 89 calories
  • Lean beef — 25.8 g protein, 158 calories
  • Lean pork — 22.2 g protein, 122 calories


In addition to providing protein, fatty fish are also good sources of omega-3 fatty acids, which improves cardiovascular health. Examples of popular fatty fish include (U.S. Food & Drug Administration, 2008):

For 3 oz (84 g) servings:

  • Cod — 20 g protein, 90 calories
  • Tuna — 26 g protein, 130 calories
  • Salmon (wild) — 24 g protein, 200 calories
  • Tilapia — 22 g protein, 110 calories
  • Halibut — 23 g protein, 120 calories


Eggs are complete proteins, giving you all 9 essential amino acids. They're also a source of selenium, vitamin D, B-vitamins, zinc, iron, and choline. One large grade A egg (53 g) contains 6 grams of protein and 70 calories. (Egg Farmers of Canada, n.d.; United States Department of Agriculture, 2016; National Institutes of Health, 2016).

Nuts & Seeds

Many nuts and seeds are valuable sources of protein, particularly for vegans and vegetarians. Nuts and seeds that offer heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals include:

For 1 oz servings (~28 g):

  • Almonds — 6.4 g protein, 155 calories
  • Peanuts — 7 g protein, 160 calories
  • Pistachios — 5.5 g protein, 155 calories
  • Pecans — 2.7 g protein, 195 calories


Beans and legumes are also sources of protein. Combining most beans with rice supplies a sufficient variety of amino acids to meet your dietary needs. Some legumes that make for great dishes include:

For 1 oz servings (~28 g):

Soy Products

Tofu and tempeh are great non-animal protein sources. They can be added to nearly any meal for a healthy protein boost without the saturated fat found in animal proteins. We also carry soy protein powder to add to your smoothies and shakes.

  • Tofu (serving size ½ cup, 126 g) — 10 g protein, 88 calories
  • Tempeh (serving size 1 cup, 166 g) — 31 g protein, 320 calories ("SELF Nutrition Data: Know What You Eat", n.d.)
  • Soy Protein Powder (serving size ~1 oz, 32.5 g) — 25 g protein, 100 calories

Dairy Products

Dairy products make great snacks, ingredients or side dishes and are rich in a variety of amino acids. Opt for lowfat or nonfat versions of these dairy products to limit your saturated fat consumption.

  • Milk, 1% fat (serving size 1 cup, 244 g) — 8 g protein, 103 calories ("SELF Nutrition Data: Know What You Eat", n.d.)
  • Cheese, Mozarella (serving size 1 oz, 27.5 g) — 14.2 g protein, 144 calories
  • Yogurt, skim milk
  • (serving size 1 cup, 245 g) — 14 g protein, 137 calories ("SELF Nutrition Data: Know What You Eat", n.d.)

Consdierations for Those with Medical Conditions or Special Diets

Protein deficiency can particularly pose a problem for strict vegetarians, people with eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa, and those with gastrointestinal problems such as Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis. These groups of people must be particularly vigilant that they get enough protein in their diets and protein from a variety of sources.

It is important to get protein from different sources, particularly for vegetarians and vegans, because of the composition of different proteins and their contributions to the body. Proteins are composed of building blocks known as amino acids. The body breaks down dietary proteins into these building blocks before rearranging them to create structures needed for a wide variety of essential functions throughout the body.

Dietary proteins are placed into two categories: complete and incomplete proteins. Of the twenty amino acids that our bodies need, only nine cannot be synthesized by the body and must be obtained via the diet; these amino acids are considered essential. A complete protein is one that contains all nine essential amino acids (National Research Council US Subcommittee on the Tenth Edition of the Recommended Dietary Allowances, 1989).

Many animal proteins, such as red meat, poultry, fish, eggs, and dairy products, are complete proteins, though there are also non-animal complete proteins, including quinoa, soy, sprouted grain bread, and buckwheat. Fortunately for vegetarians, it is also possible to eat complementary incomplete proteins that provide the full nine amino acids your body needs.

For example, eating legumes with nuts and seeds provides all of the essential amino acids. Similarly, legumes and grains (e.g. brown rice) are considered complementary proteins. It is not essential to eat these foods together at the same meal; as long as you get several complementary forms of incomplete protein throughout the day, you will get the amino acids you need.

When your body does not get enough protein, things begin to go awry. Muscle fatigue or a drop in muscle strength may be signs you’re not eating enough protein (National Institutes of Health, 2008). Additionally, be watchful for symptoms such as brain fogginess, confusion, weakness, poor immune system functioning, and hair falling out (Tedesco, 2014). These are all possible signs of protein deficiency that should go away once you begin getting enough protein again.


Egg Farmers of Canada. (n.d.). Nutrition - Egg Nutrition - Eggs.ca. Retrieved June 03, 2016, from http://www.eggs.ca/nutrition/view/1/egg-nutrition

Pendick D. (2015). How much protein do you need every day? Harvard Health Publications. Retrieved from http://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/how-much-protein-do-you-need-every-day-201506188096

National Institutes of Health. (2008, March). News in Health, March 2008 - National Institutes of Health (NIH). Retrieved June 03, 2016, from https://newsinhealth.nih.gov/2008/March/docs/01features_01.htm

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