High protein stew


Trusted Member
Aug 16, 2018
Lately I have been making stews and chilies to make simple meals that I can eat for a couple days without much hassle. 

Best one so far right now is my chicken stew. 

First I fry 3.5ibs+ of chicken breast cut into small cubes with garlic and onions. 

Then I boil 2 Packs of chicken bone broth. I add 2 cups rice, 2 cans lentils, one can chick peas, 2 chicken flavour soup cubes and finally the cooked chicken. I then let it cool down and serve it up. 

Theres a lot of parts to this that I think are good protein wise. “Chicken bone broth” not to be confused with other broths has about 60gs of protein a pack. With two packs that’s 120gs extra right there. Lentils and chick peas are a part of the bean family adding rice to them makes a more complete protein. I don’t really have to say much about almost 4 pounds of chicken lol

Another note I also tenderize the chicken before cutting it and sometimes add one medium chopped carrot. If you found that you accidentally over cooked the meat, it’s ok after sitting in the broth for a couple of hours it will absorb some of that salt and water and tendorize a bit

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