Home Gym - Squat stand vs Power rack


Aug 21, 2018
Anyone with a home gym or just an opinion - why would you opt for a power rack over a squat stand?

Reading online you always hear a rack is more versatile because you have four posts. But outside of crazy heavy rack pulls which I don't really do I can't see the benefit?

You can put a bench on either for bench, shoulder press, etc. Both can squat, deadlift doesn't need either. You can use the safety bars on a squat rack to do shrugs, or lighter rack pulls...

Obviously if you had all the space and money, why not but if you're trying to conserve space and don't want to spend unnecessary money why do for the power rack?

For a power rack its definitely cost and need over anything. 

I enjoy a rack because for a few reasons, the biggest being both the ability to attack bands to various points to help during different phases; and the fact that I can utilize the different heights and settings to allow me to set up different style lifts. Ie a bottom focus bench press, pause press, etc. 

That's just me though. 

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Who does not like a good rack...cough cough.

Jokes aside, the additional versatility of a rack is nice. As Vortex pointed out, for accessory attachments, stretching, chins, hangs, ab work, etc.  

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A quick overview of the half rack you're looking at. You won't be missing much; its relatively versatile and has areas to attach bands and other tools to help you along the way. 

For the price and usage, you'll most likely be well off. 

So many things are out of stock or way overpriced now. I hope soon we can get things back on track.

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I’ve got a little set up in my basement that I can utilize for just about any body part.

its a power rack with a cable system attached to the back with a high cable and a low cable.  Cheap adjustable bench with a leg extension attachment and a preacher curl attachment.  Olympic bar, most handles needed for cables, and an ez bar with about 600lbs of total weights.   Picked it up at a garage sale for about $300.   It’s a WEIDER system.  I don’t use it all that much but it’s down there if it’s needed or I don’t have time to stop by the gym.

you would be surprised what you can find on marketplace or in a yard sale.  People buy home gyms, never use them and the wives sell them to get them out of the house for next to nothing.

got a decent elliptical for next to nothing like that too.

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That's cool man, alot of this stuff was cheap on marketplace or yard sales but with COVID ppl started price gouging like crazy...

If money and space is a problem... Build yourself a stand or rack out 2x4s 4x4s etc.  You can build very strong full functioning rack.  Do a look up on line ... Build squat rack from wood...  I always like a squat rack cause when shit got heavy and I had to dump the weight the pins were set up high enuff to catch the bar ... Or if I failed at bottom I could dump forward as well

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