How are you Coping


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Trusted Member
Oct 7, 2018
How are all you guys coping with this whole pandemic situation ? Let’s share !

My gym loaned me out equipment: I got a bench, two 70 lbs dumbbells, an ez curl bar,  and 30 lbs of plate weight.  So workouts are tough to get motivated for, but i'm still doing something.

We spend our time all day doing house work, outdoor work, kids homework via online classroom.  Wife and I trying to keep it together.

I lost my job completely, so I'll be needing to find a new physio job when we are officially allowed back into work.   Thank god for the CERB. My wife is working at a small local hospital as a student RN to help with the pandemic response. So finanically we will be ok until about July if things are the way it is.

But's 20 days before we know if school will be in for May. I am hoping for the best but my gut tells me school is out for the remainder of the year until September.

School in my area is done for the year , my day is spent mostly like yours but I have no real weights just a small basic home gym and outdoor cardio , wife is working but gained like 15 pounds because she is stress eating and can’t be as active , just remember guys we will get through this there is light at the end of the tunnel we will get a vaccine but it sure put things in perspective that you take for granted in your everyday life. I know there is a lot of mental stress that goes along with this so if anyone ever feels dark I’m a pm away and I know the mods and SuperMods door is open if you need to talk no need to suffer guys we are in the together .

I’m lucky to have a small gym at work. And one of the lucky ones to still be working. Get 3 decent workouts in a week. But do I ever miss the gym atmosphere and more variety of equipment.  Stay safe and healthy everyone.  

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Scratched together a gym with a bench I bought for a case of beer and a bunch of dumbbells I borrowed 5-50 lbs and a ton of resistance bands. So I really got hit the high volume style workouts with the giant rep range to get any effective workout. It’s super rudimentary, but it’ll do. I was suppose to start my spring/summer blast in March obviously not gonna waste that now. So I’m sitting on this premium gear from our favourites at Body Tech. And by the way it looks out here, that’s gonna turn into a fall/winter blast instead. 

work wise I got laid off in March almost all our clients shut their doors so basically  all of us got our pink slips minus a few guys. Living off the CERB as well. Getting a bit stir crazy a month in I gotta say. But helping the kids with distance learning, which here is going till the end of the year. No school till September. Reading a ton. Just trying to make it work. 

I've given up on trying to figure how to workout. I've got exercise bands for conditioning, but that's it. At this point I'm just lucky I have a job and have something to do during the day. I'd go batshit insane, otherwise. Proud to be living in Canada with our government helping out people who have been laid off, including my girlfriend. I was worried about cutting into savings to pay rent/expenses. Say what you want about the Liberals (I've got my fair share of criticism) the CERB and wage-subsidy programs are A+. 

Now I just wish I could go out more often for walks/runs but my girl is too paranoid and has a multi-step program of what needs to be done when I come home:

- throw all the clothes into the wash

- take a shower / wash hair etc.

- disinfect shoes with an alcohol spray

Otherwise she'll get PO'd at me and I don't wanna deal with the fighting lol. I know she cares but it's insane, haha. 

All the best to all of you gents/ladies. We're in this together and we'll get through it together. 

Not doing well at all, kind of depressed. Only got 20lb dumbbells and some resistance bands coming but god know when those will arrive (China). Just puts things in perspective and how nice "regular" life is.

Bro you ever want to talk in private pm , all staff doors are open !

- throw all the clothes into the wash

- take a shower / wash hair etc.

- disinfect shoes with an alcohol spray
My girl had me doing this as well on this side of the water when everything was nuts. Add in full case of; dont touch anything upon apartment entry until hands are sanitized, face mask is off and carefully placed into sealed bag, jacket is sprayed with alcohol and hung in the laundry room to air out. I think I forgot to spray my shoes once, and man the death glare and comments that followed...I feel for you man. 

My girl had me doing this as well on this side of the water when everything was nuts. Add in full case of; dont touch anything upon apartment entry until hands are sanitized, face mask is off and carefully placed into sealed bag, jacket is sprayed with alcohol and hung in the laundry room to air out. I think I forgot to spray my shoes once, and man the death glare and comments that followed...I feel for you man. 
Dang! That's even more extreme. Didn't think that was possible lol

Not doing well at all, kind of depressed. Only got 20lb dumbbells and some resistance bands coming but god know when those will arrive (China). Just puts things in perspective and how nice "regular" life is.
Yeah being stuck at home away from social settings with people is tough. This is a good board to shoot the shit and talk with people. If I can recommend something, stay off social media (completely; only use stuff like sms and whatsapp to keep in touch), go for a daily walk and get some sunshine, and pick up a hobby like cooking. I'm letting myself go and eating good food without worrying about every little calorie. It's been really good for my mental health knowing that I'll be back on track once the pandemic ends

I'm lucky to still have my job. Gym-wise I'm getting by with a TRX and a couple 20kg kettlebells. I can get a surprisingly decent session with just those two pieces of equipment

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