Hybrid Showdown and Kern Us open 2020


Trusted Member
Jan 14, 2019
Hey Guys,

Sorry for the ghosting.  Had a lot of life shit go on and I really had to take a step back and work on myself before I went down a really dark road.  Last I was on here I was prepping for Nationals.  I ended up blowing my knee out begging of prep and in a cast from hip to ankle up until 2 weeks out from nationals.  I ended up showing up anyways.  Ended up with a squat PR of all things and winning the 308lb class as well as best lifter.  I was mind blown.  

Moving forward.  2020 is a HUGE year.  I have recently had invites to Steffi Cohens Hybrid showdown in Miami feb 1 AND the Kern Us Open in April.  Im currently 12 weeks out from hybrid.  Im completely injury free. and my off season was amazing.

Ill make sure to keep this log going for those who want to follow.  If you have any questions about my training, cycle, nutrition etc  feel free to drop a post.

Current lifts:  Squat 790, Bench 550, Dead 765x2

Hope you guys are out there being a better you each day.  Again, sorry for disappearing but lets go get this money!!!!