I ❤️ Primo

Oct 11, 2019
First post. Been at this a few years. For a long time tren was love. 

First time running primo I felt amazing. But also ran it with mast for the first time. Gave too much credit to mast. On my last “cruise” I ran low test and mast and then low test and primo and the primo portion was better. Huh. 

I get the hype now. Primo is subtle but it’s great bc it’s subtle

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I ran Primo (male dosage) and had all possible sides you can think of: acne on back and shoulders, oily skin, body hair, body odour, etc ....

Never again!

I ran Primo (male dosage) and had all possible sides you can think of: acne on back and shoulders, oily skin, body hair, body odour, etc ....

Never again!
Damn... Male dosage? Like 400-800mg? Thats akin to me running 4-8g of primo! 

Was it an experiment? How long did you run it?

Hope you don’t mind all my questions. I’m a curious dude.

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Damn... Male dosage? Like 400-800mg? Thats akin to me running 4-8g of primo! 

Was it an experiment? How long did you run it?

Hope you don’t mind all my questions. I’m a curious dude.
It wasn't an experience 😂 It was my 1st cycle and a guy at the gym had bought Schering Primo in a pharmacy in Turkey. He asked me if I wanted to try it, I said yes but he didn't know what the dosage was for a female but I trusted him. He was the one pinning my glutes.

Anyway at the end of the cycle a former bb showed up at the gym and I was discussing the sides. He asked the guy how much he had been injecting and the competitor's reply was "Are you nuts? This is a male dosage" 😛

It wasn't an experience 😂 It was my 1st cycle and a guy at the gym had bought Schering Primo in a pharmacy in Turkey. He asked me if I wanted to try it, I said yes but he didn't know what the dosage was for a female but I trusted him. He was the one pinning my glutes.

Anyway at the end of the cycle a former bb showed up at the gym and I was discussing the sides. He asked the guy how much he had been injecting and the competitor's reply was "Are you nuts? This is a male dosage" 😛
Damn! That’s one hell of an intro to AAS!! 

Indeed 😳

And it wasn't the only mistake I made.

A year or two later I ran Dbol (thinking it was Winny) .....
A friend of mine listened to some dipshit coach who had her run 50 mg/day Dbol.

i can barely handle 25 mg.

it went as well for her as you would expect. 

As a rule of thumb women should stick to 1/10th of a dose as men. 10-20 mg/day var, 10-40 mg/week test prop, 20-40 mg/week primo, 5-10 mg/day winny. 

5-10 mg per day tren ace for the bad girls lol

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Indeed 😳

And it wasn't the only mistake I made.

A year or two later I ran Dbol (thinking it was Winny) .....
I think several people, including myself have made that mistake. I’ve tested four different  ugl for my girl, (using labmax) and all 4 I tested failed. 2 turned red for dbol. One of the brands I used for my first cycle. Now I only give my girl pharma. Iran Hormone brand. It costs an arm and a leg but I don’t chance it with my girl. She’s not a very serious lifter, just likes to be sexy for summer. And it’s kinda fun when both of us are on cycle... ❤️ 😁 breakin’ furniture.