I'm Back!

Aug 25, 2018
Hey Guys & Girls!

After a bit of hiatus from nearly all things fitness with the exception of coaching some people into shows, I'm ready for a comeback. I'd like to hit at least one more show before I retire from the competition seen. So I'm going to need a fairly intensive off season as I'd like get back to a MINIMUM where I was prior to all the covid shit going down. Since initial lockdowns started last year, my training wasn't the same - the drive wasn't there to maintain the intensity and like wise diet wasn't either. I don't eat super unhealthy when I stop trying I just don't eat near enough, I get too busy with other things to care. Gear wise, basically TRT (IF I remembered that week lol). I haven't been to an actual gym since May (I'm switching gyms, and I've been waiting for restrictions to loosen before I signed up at the new place). So I'm looking forward to getting back into the swings of things. 

I've got a pretty solid plan of what I'll be implementing both training and gear wise - still working at the diet. My main goal is going to simply 1. Consume enough protein, and 2. Consume enough calories. I'm not going to be worrying TOO MUCH about food quality as I just need to get it in at the moment, that's my only concern. 

Show goal is Oct-Nov 2021.

Lets do IT 🙂 

Well. Looks like you’re set with a plan and a goal. That’s better than a lot of gym rats I know already. 
Good luck!

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Sometimes life takes over. Make that push for one more show... I'll be following along 

Sometimes life takes over. Make that push for one more show... I'll be following along 
The sad truth lol but I feel like the drive is coming back, enjoying the last couple of sessions. 

What show are you thinking
I'd like to think either Atlcs next year or Flex Lewis next year. I've never competed at the Flex, so I think it would be cool to do it.  What will really help me gauge what show I'll do, is how everything comes back to me. Hoping that muscle memory kicks back in sooner than later lol

SO I've been back to my new gym twice now, Started off with arms/delts and then trained a quad based leg day last night. Both have been great sessions! I'm keeping these initial training sessions fairly low volume as my recovering ability at the moment isn't the greatest. I'll be adding volume as my training progress' and my recovering ability allows. Diet has been solid so far easily reaching 250g/protein/day so I've been happy with that. I'll also be starting the cycle this week, I'm not advocating anyone use these doses, I'm going in heavy. My plan is:
1,200 Test, 600 EQ, 450 NPP

I'm also going to add in some SARMS, I'm not the biggest oral user and I've never given any sarms their fair shot - so I thought why not. Thinking LGD but not completely sure as of yet.

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I'm a big test eq guy myself. Always feel good on it, keep cardio in and hemocrit in range and a feel good cycle. 

I've tried a couple sarms mk677 and S4. S4 did give me slight yellow vision tint but definitely dried my midsection out / added vascularity. Mk677 improved my sleep / overall recovery alot, and increased hunger. I was / am still skeptical on sarms but they definitely did something. I'll be adding in mk677 on my next blast.

Oral steroid I could take or give depending on my blast. I always lean towards var or low dose superdrol.  Body tech has M1T and madol (pheraplex) both unique prohormones... well steroids but old prohormones and imo much stronger mg for mg then usual orals. 

I'm sure your muscle memory will kick in quick. You had size and fullness so it should take long for your body to respond not only to the gear but food back in as well. 

So a little update!

Because of my laziness I haven't started any oils... BUT I have been using LGD from Sarms Central, was unsure of the dosing I wanted to use, so ultimately I decided on the higher end at 15mg per day (I find I have a fairly high tolerance on most orals) and I can say I'm pretty impressed. I had some pretty low expectations but am pleasantly surprised. Good strength increase, recovery rate seems quite a bit better but most importantly to me, I FEEL fuller. 

Excited to continue this run and see how it goes.  

Interesting. I'm about to add 25mg mk677 to my blast starting September love the fullness I get from it.

I think there is a place for sarms in stacks, and they do work its just we can't base them off or compare to traditional orals cause that's not what they are. 

Interesting. I'm about to add 25mg mk677 to my blast starting September love the fullness I get from it.

I think there is a place for sarms in stacks, and they do work its just we can't base them off or compare to traditional orals cause that's not what they are. 
I'm coming around to this idea - they're another tool in the toolbox, and if they're slightly less toxic/harmful then or work through another pathway then why not.

So to update - been going through a bit of a depression. In NB we started utilizing a vaccine passport last week. Which means I'm no longer able to visit any gym... back to the home gym, which I despise using. So that has thrown me for a loop sadly... missed shots, meals got messed up - everything kind of went all to hell. 

BUT things may have started looking up, I may have a work around lol so I'm in slightly better spirits now  

So I've been toying with the idea of downsizing, taking my health more into account and losing the "want" of trying to compete at a heavier and heavier weight -  I thinking of toying with the idea of classic physique. Now, the question would be if I can make weight lol My last show I competed at around 215 and I believe my weight cutoff would be anywhere from 190-197 depending on how I get measured. 

I keep thinking of If I ever went to TO or any pro qualifier I'll just need to be larger and larger, while switching categories would almost completely shift my focus to conditioning. I don't know if my body dysmorphia could handle it but its definitely been in my mind for the last little bit and could be interesting.

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So I've been toying with the idea of downsizing, taking my health more into account and losing the "want" of trying to compete at a heavier and heavier weight -  I thinking of toying with the idea of classic physique. Now, the question would be if I can make weight lol My last show I competed at around 215 and I believe my weight cutoff would be anywhere from 190-197 depending on how I get measured. 

I keep thinking of If I ever went to TO or any pro qualifier I'll just need to be larger and larger, while switching categories would almost completely shift my focus to conditioning. I don't know if my body dysmorphia could handle it but its definitely been in my mind for the last little bit and could be interesting.
When I had done my shows in london and guelph, despite beign in the top percentage of conditioning, the bigger guys always beat me.  At 6'2, I need to be bigger. One guy had legit tub on him, was 8 weeks out from a show conditioning wise, and he beat me because the judges said he was 'bigger'.  Rediculous.  But that's the way it is.  Max out your range and that way you step on stage with no doubt.

Time for an update! 

my weight is up, now sitting around 245ish, training has been going GREAT! I’ve decided to switch out what I was doing training wise for my older method, kind of a mix of what Phil viz likes to do and Jordan peters. My main justification for switching was just not adequate volume for my liking. Cardio I’ve been shooting for an hour a week, I’d like to bump it to 2 here shortly - just working my way up.

diet has been going well, I’m thoroughly enjoying my high fat meals, very filling and just overall tasty lol monitoring my blood sugar fasted an post workout and am happy with were my numbers are sitting so my body is reacting the way I want it to. 

cycle wise I’ve lowered it, basically reduced it to 2 of the 3 shots intended. 800 test, 300 npp and 300 eq. Ran out of LGD and may throw in another sarm in a couple weeks. What everyone’s thoughts on a good choice? I’ll stay away from MK as I didn’t like the effect on my blood sugar. 

overall very happy with how things are going !

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Time for another update - with potential shows upcoming I switched my focus mainly to a deficit and trying to bring my weight down without having to put in much effort. 

So my current weight is sitting around 220-222, I haven't had to add in any cardio as of yet. The only fat burner type thing I've added is clenbuterol at 25mcg per day. Training has stayed consistent and I've been putting up additional volume or PRs every session, so I can't complain everything has been going great. 

Cycle has changed to something I discussed with broderick chavez - basically 350 test, 600 npp. I'll be looking to add masteron here in the coming weeks - instead of a timeline of when I'm going to add it, I'm going to hit a certain weight first. 

My goal is to continue to diet and bring my weight down until I fully decide and pick a show to do. Until then just keep hammering away. 

I've been looking up alot of Broderick Chavez stuff from interviews to podcasts this past year...

Especially his take on using a "sport trt" dose of test at 300-350mg as a base and adding in other ansbolics. 

I've been looking up alot of Broderick Chavez stuff from interviews to podcasts this past year...

Especially his take on using a "sport trt" dose of test at 300-350mg as a base and adding in other ansbolics. 
I was a little curious as to how I’d feel with nearly twice as much nandrolone to testosterone but it hasn’t affected me in any negative way at all.

everything else I plan to incorporate will be dht based as I really want to keep weight gain down to next to nothing

I was a little curious as to how I’d feel with nearly twice as much nandrolone to testosterone but it hasn’t affected me in any negative way at all.

everything else I plan to incorporate will be dht based as I really want to keep weight gain down to next to nothing
I've tried moderate test 350-400mg with higher anabolics and always feel good. I think Broderick way of using a sport trt 350mg test abd adding other things to it seems smart... his approach to use test to feel good and enhance male function but beyond a certain point you don't need more "male function" so adding in other anabolic to grow makes sense... 

So the show I was looking at has now been delayed 4 weeks at the earliest and 8 weeks at the latest... I've been dieting since nov 12 LOL oh boy. So, with my OCD i want to continue to push it - which I probably will, and will most likely add some food back in to slow the weight loss down. I'm now down 27lbs and haven't started any cardio as of yet, strength has still been awesome - and I expect the look to get sharper with the addition of masteron. 

I think I will take a "break" from the cycle in the next four weeks and cruise for a bit once I get a "for sure" date of when the show is, just gotta be flexible which is a new approach for me

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