Intermittent Fasting - love it or think it has no benefit?


Trusted Member
Aug 26, 2018
I'm a BIG believer in all the benefits of fasting, not only  from a health stand point, but as a ridiculously helpful tool for reaching a very low body fat % as well.  Any doubters out there?  Any one had a negative reaction to fasting? Meaning something worse than just extreme hunger(harden the f up!)

I'm a BIG believer in all the benefits of fasting, not only  from a health stand point, but as a ridiculously helpful tool for reaching a very low body fat % as well.  Any doubters out there?  Any one had a negative reaction to fasting? Meaning something worse than just extreme hunger(harden the f up!)
I did IF from January to march, first time every trying this. I followed two protocols. I did the 16-8 and also ESE which is one 24 hours fast per week but i did every 2 weeks. I went from 215 down to 180 in this time, as you said it worked ridiculously well. The hunger was not bad to work through as this passes with time. I didn't loose much muscle as i kept my macros in check accordingly and always kept protein high and lifted heavy as fack basically using dog crap training methods, and i trained early am always fasted. I was carb cycling so basically on my rest days id be high fats and low carbs, and on training days id be low to moderate fats, high carbs, protein always high on both days. Was down to around 1800 cals per rest day near the end, pretty low for me as my maint is around 3800. Anyways it worked pretty good, but as i started to get back into clean bulk mode my system seemed to not handle the surplus of calories and some foods became unbearable that were fuck all to eat before. Another adverse reaction i had about 2 months in was i completely lost my libido as well. I think my natural test levels must have dropped and i was starting to go into survival mode. I was starting to shock my system. I was ripped as heck and still lifting the same weights feeling alright but it was time to stop and start eating again lol. So for For the month following my adventure it was very bad to say the least, the bloating and cramping and general feeling of bad gut health was apparent and having no libido was brutal. I jumped onto a test/deca cycle just after as well and this solved the libido problems along with eating clean and normal again, everything's back in check. I would do it again but i wouldn't go as hardcore. Id probably do a 24 hour fast here and there and do a bit of a caloric deficit nothing extreme just to keep my weekly cal intake in check if i was to shed some fat again. 

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I'm not sure I'm on the bang wagon like some people but there are two beneficial use cases in my opinion.

During bulking to stimulate appetite. Anyone who has a hard time getting in enough quality calories can probably speak to lack of appetite during bulking. When I have issues getting the calories in a use a short term IF to back load all my calories until after 1-2pm. Starting my day at 6am, I'm literally dying to eat at this point. I keep calories the same but instead of 6am to 10pm it's 2pm to 10pm. I believe building the hunger signals kick starts the metabolism and after a couple weeks I add in another meal at 7-8am and just like that I'm up 500+ calories breaking through a wall.

During contest prep towards the end when portions are low instead of following 5-6 meals a day I like to go down to 3-4 bigger meals. Pushing my first meal to 12pm helps with this. You're hungry regardless but you'll end up more satisfied condensing two meals into one.

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I used to do it before I got On, but I find that now I literally can't. I just get so HANGRY now if I go more than an hour without eating something. AAS has put my metabolism in overdrive.

On the road for my job I have to pack a cooler with sandwiches and protein shakes to make it through the day.

When I'm at home I'm snacking regularly on greek yoghurt and other high protein foods.

On the bright side, I'm still leaning out even though I'm eating more than when I was unenhanced.

If you're able to fast while on AAS without committing murder my hat's off to you.

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I IF, have for years. Got caught up in the faux hype a few years ago, but i like it. It works well for me, because I realize it’s nothing more than an eating protocol, and utilize it as such. 

But I also work out fasted,  aas cycling or otherwise. And because of my work getting in meals is tough so I push off breakfast as long as possible. 

Its tough at first but you get used to it after a week or so

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I have done fasting for awhile now both intermittent fasting 18:6 ratio and the one i am on now which is the omad fasting eat once a day for myself the omad fasting works wonders I have dropped so much weight or body fat from doing that method and at first I got a bit of Cravings but now less cooking less I'm in the kitchen and less even having to think about food which I love and I also cut my food bill in half so can't go wrong there... but thumbs up for fasting... not to mention my energy levels have gone through the roof I have so much energy now that I don't even know what to do with it half the time

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I tried the 16:8 ratio and It didn't do much for me. I then tried the 18:6 ratio and ended up ruining my diet because of all the crazy cravings I would have lol. Definitely not for me at this point...

Intermittent fasting is just like all the other fad diets. I think they could potentially have some benefits of which they claim(improved health, increased growth hormone production, ect) but most of this stuff isnt scientifically proven. The ONE major thing these diets offer forsure is that they can fit nicely into ones lifestyle. This is extremely important because we all know a plan is only good when followed. For example if someone is crazy busy and hates eating the the morning fasting is perfect. Or if someone has low will power and can't stay away from higher fat foods keto might be a good option. 

I haven't researched it all that much yet. I know GSP swears by it. I really have to take a deeper look into it before I can give a semi-educated opinion.

Honestly IF is just an eating schedule. Like a lot of people think its some miracle "diet" but in reality its just personal preference. Obviously carries a lot more benefits when used for cutting/lean bulking(small surplus) because depending how you structure it you wont have to go to bed hungry (noting sucks more than sleeping on an empty stomach).. Ive been doing it for about 5 years now. Not strict at all but I usually just fast for around 12-18 hours sometimes even 24-28 hours. Longest ive fasted was probably 36 hours? I only do it because its convenient and I rather prefer eating big meals rather than 6 small meals. If you already have trouble gaining weight dont fast just because of all the crazy benefits that are associated with IF, You're just making it a lot harder for yourself to make gains.

I just feel a little more shitty than usual when Im fasting for longer periods of time but when its time to eat you definitely appreciate your food a lot more.

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I'm not sure I'm on the bang wagon like some people but there are two beneficial use cases in my opinion.

During bulking to stimulate appetite. Anyone who has a hard time getting in enough quality calories can probably speak to lack of appetite during bulking. When I have issues getting the calories in a use a short term IF to back load all my calories until after 1-2pm. Starting my day at 6am, I'm literally dying to eat at this point. I keep calories the same but instead of 6am to 10pm it's 2pm to 10pm. I believe building the hunger signals kick starts the metabolism and after a couple weeks I add in another meal at 7-8am and just like that I'm up 500+ calories breaking through a wall.

During contest prep towards the end when portions are low instead of following 5-6 meals a day I like to go down to 3-4 bigger meals. Pushing my first meal to 12pm helps with this. You're hungry regardless but you'll end up more satisfied condensing two meals into one.
I do this and continue to do this as well in prep and in bulk, have used it multiple times and for me (weak stomach in the morning), it works incredibly well.