
Oct 7, 2020
Hello All,

Just a short intro... 38 year old male, wife, 2 kids, white collar job, live North of Toronto.  Was working out with a trainer in the gym, 5 days a week, pre-covid.  We now have a home gym sorted out, turns out that finding home gym gear is like finding a fucking herd of unicorns, and I'm now back at working out on the regular.  Some members of my 'bubble' are still pretty anxious about covid, and it's not a hill I want to die on, because according some some of my friends, divorce sucks, and my wife would take me to the cleaners with alimony... so it will be working out at home for the foreseeable future.  I'm 5'8", 170 lbs, eat a balanced diet, limit my alcohol intake to maybe 6 drinks in a month, and limit the 'processed crap'.  That said, I can still tie-one-on for special occasions and love to smash a Whopper combo from time-to-time.  I'm looking to kick-start my winter program with an 8 or 12 week test only cycle, probably Test-E with 2 pins per week. I have done orals in the past (var & whinny) but have never pinned; please save the preaching on this, just know that I now understand that if you're going to do steroids, you might as well pin them.  As far as goals go, I would like to get to 190-200 lbs over the next 24 months.

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