Introduction - combining AAS with office life

Nov 22, 2019
Hi guys, 

Introduction post from me. I'm between 25-30 years old, working at a large company whilst doing my masters (law). Also trying to fit in working out / juicing in my spare time. Currently on only 200-250 mg test-e and planning on adding anavar later on. Unfortunately, tren affects my mental health too much in a negative way which could have (negative) consequences for how i perform at work and study. I would say im not lean enough for compounds such as deca (since i already have some little gyno and i dont want to risk that getting worse) and cant think of any other compound that sounds like its worth it to me (both money, gains and side effect wise)

I'll probaly start lurking for a while and maybe post occasionaly. 

What are you guys thoughts on : 

- hrt from this age (by myself, since it's almost never prescribed here in my country) 

- combining AAS with office life? 

- any tips on how to combine working out / eating with a busy life? 

talk to you soon!

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- any tips on how to combine working out / eating with a busy life? 
Quality vs quantity.  I never worked out longer than an hour, usually 45 mins and done all throughout my BB'ing career.   Always busy with real life/office job/kids/commute etc.

Quality vs quantity.  I never worked out longer than an hour, usually 45 mins and done all throughout my BB'ing career.   Always busy with real life/office job/kids/commute etc.
Do you do a bro split ? or Push-pull? I'm doing a split but cant always go 4-5 times a week. I cant imagine combining my current lifestyle with kids. Hats of  to you for doing so.

My favourite split which I did 90% of the time was simply 2 upper, 2 lower workouts for four total per week.  The two uppers for example weren't always identical,  but almost always had compound push,  compound pull as the core movements.  Powerbuilding was how I'd describe it.  Concentrated mostly on strength,  and size followed.   This was all natural though.

Went from 178 competition weight, to 205 on stage in about 6 yrs.

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FWIW, I never got a national title (2nd twice). I did win a few regionals including a heavyweight and two overalls.  My brother won 2 national titles and only worked out 45mins at lunch time.  Gym across from his office.  NO FAMILY time impact.  Zero!

Quality is everything.  

Welcome, tip is to find a company that supports well being and that has a gym or located near a gym. Never easy , but more companies are trying to attract and retain young talent. 

Good luck bro!

I’m close to your age 33.  I blast and cruise.  Honestly I wish I had started on test sooner.  I know it’s  lifetime commitment, but my quality of life is so much better.  If I wasn’t bodybuilding, I’d still be on TRT for all the other benefits.