Jordan Peters backing off


May 14, 2020
I’m sure many of you are aware Jordan Peters will be backing off on usage. Basically abandoning his journey to his pro card. He’s openly used 5-6 grams of gear a week and will be going down to roughly 250 test and similar primo or masteron. I’m very curious about how his strength and physique will change. What do you guys think? Is he making a good choice? How much muscle do you think he can maintain on his new protocol?


5-6 grams a week sounds insane to me. But I’ll never be going pro so....
Agreed, that’s a lotta juice. I’m a bit of a higher dose guy myself, 1-3G I’m used to on a blast. But 6g? Lol, I wouldn’t know where to put all that oil. 

I definitely don’t think a pro card is worth dying for. Not even just the gear. But 300+ lbs when genetically you should be 150-200 can’t be conducive to longevity.

it’ll be interesting seeing how much mass he can hold on tiny doses. His training is second to none.

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I think its the correct choice for him. He can focus on business and family.

He was not getting any bigger so not really anyplace for him to go anyways. I think on a generous TRT he will hold on to about 75% of it if he keeps training hard. 

Look at guys like Seth and what they have been able to hold on to.  

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I think its the correct choice for him. He can focus on business and family.

He was not getting any bigger so not really anyplace for him to go anyways. I think on a generous TRT he will hold on to about 75% of it if he keeps training hard. 

Look at guys like Seth and what they have been able to hold on to.  
Completely agree. No he wasn’t getting bigger, and his waist and proportions have made getting his card difficult. 

Seth looks great. He’s proof that with good genetics and hard work a generous trt dose can hold a lot of muscle.

Lol, your not kidding bro. 14 iu of pharma growth? I’d sooner drive a Ferrari. 

His girl Corrine tho, she’s gonna pick up the torch. She will get her card for sure

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He looks very unhealthy in that photo, it's definitely a good choice thinking long term

He’s backing off cause a friend died right? I can’t remember. 
Either way he’s been pushing hard to be as big as possible for so long to grab that pro card, I was kinda surprised he actually decided to back off. I wonder if he’s still going to be chasing that card? His lifts were fucking huge before, I suspect it’ll be hard to keep those numbers (or size) up. But maybe he’s changing the game plan? Can’t play the size game like that. We’ll see I guess. 

He’s backing off cause a friend died right? I can’t remember. 
Either way he’s been pushing hard to be as big as possible for so long to grab that pro card, I was kinda surprised he actually decided to back off. I wonder if he’s still going to be chasing that card? His lifts were fucking huge before, I suspect it’ll be hard to keep those numbers (or size) up. But maybe he’s changing the game plan? Can’t play the size game like that. We’ll see I guess. 
Yeah man, Jordan is a beast of a man. His lifts are insane.
Yeah, his friend passed. 2 or three days after an elbow surgery he died of complications.
Andy Hamon. Such a nice guy. I never met him but he did so much work at hospitals with sick kids and was a devout family man. Back in the day he was benching 500 lbs before it was cool.91B25253-26E2-47C0-9DB5-9B22EB7B86E0.jpeg

Andy and his family.. I sure feel for them.