Knee in constant pain


Trusted Member
Aug 16, 2018
1) Nature of injury

Hurt it at work but not sure how I tore my ACL. I’m guessing one of the 2 times I was loaded and picked someone up (literally)

2) Describe your symptoms

Usually a constant ache in the back of my knee and sometimes out the outside bottom

3) Past history?

Previous torn ACL and reconstruction surgery in 2006

4) What makes it worse? What makes it better?

Worse - squats, lying hamstring curls, leg extensions, being at work (standing on concrete and shuffling around)

Better - ice, t3 (sometimes) weed 

5) Scans already done/in progress?

yes had an MRI and I had torn meniscus and a torn ACL

6) Goals?

have no pain and get back to lifting normally

7) Medications?

just started a cycle of test cyp and var to start 

Look to Deca Bro it is amazing in healing injuries also add HGH is will do wonders as well bro.  This combo kept on active service and deployments all over the world for 20 years

Pentosan sulphate.  Innovagen carries it, so does Race Horse Meds.  It is really fucking burns from race horse meds though and no you don't need a prescription.  I bought Inno for my cat.

Look it up and you will see what it does, but in a nutshell it cleans out the fatty deposits in the ends of your joint bones so the blood flow can return, thereby allowing the healing to occur.  If you combine it with physio and a diet designed to help with cartilage growth you can help to restore the joint to a certain extent.  It is not a miracle.

I have been using it on my cat.  She has been limping for almost a year now, didn't like to jump.  I would do kitty physio to keep the movement because when she was in the most pain she wouldn't move.  She's getting older.  Anyhow I started the injections, but the first time was not consistent, I really hate torturing my cat with weekly injections because she doesn't understand what I am doing, But after hit and miss by the 4-5 injection she started to jump again, play was a lot better.  Then I got lazy and didn't keep administering the maintenance dose and the limp and pain came back.  This time I have been consistent and now she is doing better again after 3 injections.  I think I will go 6 weeks weekly then do once a month after that.

It has made a huge difference to her and it is in her hip.  I still do kitty physio and that even lossens it up more.  So use it with some rehab.  I have also been crushing up glusomine tablets and coating pringles because she loves those to get some proper building blocks into her.  I bet liquid would work better but she likes when I feed her pringles and it worked out, lol.

Thanks for the replies. Never tried deca....always heard good things tho 

Look to Deca Bro it is amazing in healing injuries also add HGH is will do wonders as well bro.  This combo kept on active service and deployments all over the world for 20 years
Deca or HGH won't heal a ripped ACL. Whether it's partially torn or fully separated, steroids/hgh simply will not magically reconnect tissues or grow them back to initial strength.  There's obvious supporting research on use for muscular degeneration diseases, and joint repair of existing damage, but never expect to go from a moderately/fully destroyed joint to a brand new or minimal one.  Just doesn't work like that.

So ACL tears come from a typical plant and twist style motion, where usually the femur (thigh bone) doesn't move and the tibia translates forward (anterior) and in a twisting motion it rips it from the bony insertion on what's called the tibial plateau.  When this happens, imagine your knee will shift forward like a wooden drawer.  It becomes unstable, and as it slides forward you lose ability to contract your quads and hamstrings and you fall...worse case usually breaking a bone.  Typically, meniscus injuries happen as well as medial collateral ligament injuries in conjuction to a tear given the way the mechanism happens.  

Until you see a surgeon for a consult, simple low load quad exercises like leg press, split squats, leg extensions, curls, stiff legged and romanian deads are your best bet.  Things where you can control the weight without lock outs and being able to control the time under tension.  Balance board exercises from side to side, pool running, bosu ball balance, lateral band side step work, cutting exercises on a ladder all need to be done to increase the motor control and dynamic stability of your knee, as if the ligamentous control is no longer there you need to use your muscle control to stabilize.

Ice if it's throbbing and hot, otherwise heat/hot tub/bath for blood flow.  Use NSAID's only as necessary.  The gear will help of course with muscle growth and prevent atrophy with a damaged knee but it won't do crap to build dynamic (movement) stability to keep the bone in place as you move.

^that's a great post. If the meniscus is torn in a way that it's causing issues it's very likely the deca won't just magically heal it. The same goes for a torn ACL. It's almost like saying you cut your arm off and lets add some deca to help it heal. You physically need surgery to make an adjustment. For meniscus it depends exactly how it was torn or what is going on. Once things are surgically repaired I would personally consider adding in some deca to help for possible reduced inflammation and collagen synthesis. Plus reducing muscle atrophy which will help with stability while it's weak. Until you get surgery, take it easy and don't make things worse.

Thanks for the replies boys. So something I wasn’t clear on, I had surgery May 18 of this year for the meniscus tear and they found i retore my ACL (originally fixed in 06). Since my recent surgery I get swelling from my knee to my ankle and pain usually in the back part of my knee (had a baker’s cyst removed as well this year) I’m currently doing physio mostly working on my balance and I started doing Legs twice a week, but nothing heavy. My surgeon doesn’t necessarily think I need my ACL surgery since I’m not a competitive athlete. I’m might try adding deca into help. 

Thanks for the replies boys. So something I wasn’t clear on, I had surgery May 18 of this year for the meniscus tear and they found i retore my ACL (originally fixed in 06). Since my recent surgery I get swelling from my knee to my ankle and pain usually in the back part of my knee (had a baker’s cyst removed as well this year) I’m currently doing physio mostly working on my balance and I started doing Legs twice a week, but nothing heavy. My surgeon doesn’t necessarily think I need my ACL surgery since I’m not a competitive athlete. I’m might try adding deca into help. 
Why not give those peptides I mentioned a try? I don't think you'll be disappointed