Kris gethins DTP training system


Trusted Member
Aug 26, 2018
Any of you guys tried dtp? Gethin calls it his Dramatic Transformation Principal.  It's a high rep, high intensity type of training, definitely not for beginners. I'll use one of the harder exercises in the program for an example, leg press. 

Start by loading up the leg press with the amount of weight you figure you will fail at about 30 reps.  With your feet narrow and at the bottom of the platform, pump out 50 reps. You should have to use rest pause to complete all 50.  Then rest for 45 seconds, add some more weight aiming to fail at around rep 25, and complete 40 reps.  Rest for 60 seconds, add more weight and complete 30 reps, rest for 1 min 15 sec, add more weight and complete 20 reps, rest for 1 min 30 sec, add more weight and complete 10 heavy reps.  Now rest for 2 minutes before changing your stance to wide and high on the platform, and work your way back up to 50 reps following the same rep/rest scheme and taking weight off the machine set by set as the reps increase.


Leg press narrow stance

50 reps, rest 45 sec

40 reps, rest 60 sec

30 reps, rest 75 sec

20 reps, rest 90 sec

10 reps, rest 2 min

Leg press wide stance

10 reps, rest 90 sec

20 reps, rest 75 sec

30 reps, rest 60 sec

40 reps, rest 45 sec

50 reps

Yeah I tried it for 2 or 3 days several years ago. Garbage training, the only time I can see this type of training being somewhat useful is trying to bust through a plateau just to shake shit up, and even then it’s sub par.

The rep ranges are stupid and by the time you get the useful ones (10) you’ve already exhausted your atp or glucose stores to make them count.

I like the guys philosophies we’ll enough, but he clearly uses AAS, which is fine(considering where we are), but he promotes his programs and supplements with his results as being all natural which gives a lot of new people false impressions and unrealistic expectations , which can turn people off when they don’t get the same results. Such as his 3 month muscle building trainer, when it first came out there was a short clip about how he set out to build 8 pounds of muscle but ended up building over 20, which isn’t possible while going natural at his age and given how many years he’s been hitting the gym. He got in a lot of flak over that and that little clip was removed. And he gets real defensive and butthurt when asked about it (I’ve spoken with him several times over Facebook and on forums)

I am just finishing the mass building program by Kris Gethin, day 84. The workouts with DTP training are intense. usually design to kill you, the last two weeks my body and my muscles feel sore. Put on 15lbs over the 12 weeks (goal was 20lbs)having to increase more cardio to this program and core due to the weight around my gut.  This is the 2nd time I have completed the program, was recommended to me. Only issue with this program you need to follow it closely, he uses programs from Dorian Yates and etc and changes it weekly.  Kris gethin kinda out of the box, weird , but it what kept me motivated, he is a no bull person. I did not get the same results as Kris, I think muscle memory played a part in his gains and I do agree with Davis (AAS). The DTP in the muscle mass building program starts at week 10. The high reps are needed more to shred the fat rather than build the muscle.  

Looking take a week off and than start another program. 

Why not just use a well designed program and a simple idea like progressive overload?

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