Lean bulk.


Trusted Member
Aug 23, 2018
Should carbs be higher than, less than, or equal to protein intake? 

What if you’re doing four weeks of dbol?

do you want to lessen carbs on dbol to avoid too much water retention/moon face?

It really depends on the person. You could start with equal carbs and then increase week by week based on progress. Carbs don't cause water retention, having a shit diet does.

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Wouldn’t piling too many carbs into your face constitute a shit diet?
Not at all. A cup (uncooked) of oatmeal at breakfast, a cup (uncooked) of rice with two cups of spring mix at lunch, a pound of potatoes with two cups of spring mix at dinner and 1/2 cup (uncooked) cream of rice preworkout with some other vegetables, fruits and snacks mixed in is a ton of carbs probably close to 400g but it isn't a shit diet. 

Should carbs be higher than, less than, or equal to protein intake? 

What if you’re doing four weeks of dbol?

do you want to lessen carbs on dbol to avoid too much water retention/moon face?
I think if you're jumping back on gear or increasing the dose you should be slightly increasing your protein intake to account for the added nitrogen retention - if your gear use has been steady for a while then I'd keep it consistent. 

if your goal is to increase muscle mass you need to be in a calorie surplus, so I'd increase your carbs mildly around your training sessions. However, I'd lower carbs on non training days (as long as recovery is still happening - if not, then keep them consistent all the time). Theres no 1 answer anyone can give you, as its completely dependent on your current diet, digestion, training intensity and recoverable ability - but in a very generalized answer, yes I'd increase your carbs. 

If you're so worried about the water retention then why'd you choose dbol? You could have gone with something like primo or anavar and not have had to worry about that. But you can also just keep your diet under control and use an AI to control estrogen and that should be enough to keep water retention in check.