Ligament damages

May 22, 2023
Hey I'm 33 y/o worked construction all my life had an accident at 27 fell wrecked my back and hip. Have si joint dysfunction and just had PRP therapy (platelet rich plasma) which basically scared my ligaments back together now I need to break the scarring to get the ligaments more mobile. I am currently taking hgh for ligament repair(not prescribed). I lost my source for hgh and am looking for a new one. If anyone knows a solid supplier please hit me up. Thanks 

I would lean towards BPC-157 as well as TB-500 in addition to your HGH protocol. One of our valued sponsors here has HGG. Bodytech Pharma the rep is usually around he can help you out. Or You can give them a PM. CBDB NorthernLifters Admin Team 

If I wanted to add test to my cycle what would you recommend? I was thinking t400 or enanthate.. which would you recommend? 

What are your goals ? What do you want out of your cycles ? Many variables at play when it comes to cycles. CBDB NorthernLifters Admin Team 

Okay so my main goal with the hgh is to repair the ligaments, with the test I'm currently 5'9" 140 so I'm already slim so I'm looking to bulk up a little bit and gain like 10 lbs of muscle maybe 15.  So I can get back to work quicker and get stronger faster.

Also what would you recommend as estrogen blocker? 

Would DIM be sufficient(or some kind of supplement)? Or do I need to go with anastrozole? 

I plan on doing only 200mg-300mg of test a week I know my test levels are low right now I had them tested due to the medications I was on for pain.  So I'm not gonna take huge amounts because I already know a low dose will be a great deal of help to me. The medical field keeps lowering the "Acceptable" testosterone levels otherwise I would be on TRT from the dr. But unfortunately I'm just on the border and they wont do anything for me. So I dont think I need to do great big doses. But anything you could reccomend would be greatly appreciated.

For my post therapy cycle would -

Nolvadex at 40mg for 2weeks then 20mg for 2 weeks be sufficient?

Or do I need to add clomid?

Also since I'm taking hgh while on the t400 do I still need to take HCG weekly? Or is the hgh sufficient?

No I still recommend HCG should be a staple. For your cycle keep it simple so you can feel things out. I’d use your test at 350 then add a shot of NPP EOD this should help with the ligament feeling better and some repair as well as help you put some muscle on. Remember test Alway higher than your NPP. I’d have aromasin on hand just incase and to be on the safe side some parami or caber. You don’t want to add in too many compounds so you can watch your sides and know where they came from. CBDB NorthernLifters Admin Team 

See I was thinking of not adding an anabolic. I took dbol when I was younger and had bad side effects. So I was just wanting to run HGH + t400(since that's what I'm deficient in), do you think the NPP is necessary? Or is it just extra help. And if I was to not add the NPP which PCT would i need, the same? 

(Also can aromasin be substituted with arimidex if I can get that easier?)

Thanks for all your help btw really appreciate it.

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You became gun shy because of the D-Bol , It has its time and its place but has to be used properly, Which I’m guessing you didn’t by experiencing the negative side effects. Just a low dose of NPP would defiantly be of help to you , And if you experience and unwanted side effects , Due to the relatively short half-life of NPP it you clear your system is as little as a few days. With what you are looking to accomplish there is no need for an oral. Get an Ai but only use it if necessary you don’t want to crush your estrogen. Same with the caber only take it if you need it , But you shouldn’t need to at the low dose NPP but better to have it on hand. Hope this gives you something to think about. CBDB NorthernLifters Admin Team 

Ok I've decided to go with npp 100mg a week, sound like a good dose to my 350mg of t400? Along with 4ius of HGH.

Also for on cycle therapy I'm gonna stick with hcg at 350-500ius twice a week and have some aromasin and cabergoline on hand in case I get some bad sides. 

Post cycle therapy will be

Nolvadex for 4 weeks 40mg/20mg/20mg/20mg

Clomid for 4 weeks 


I just have one last question since I've only done hgh before and never run test or npp what sides should I look out for? And when should I take the aromasin or cabergoline? (I've searched around and theres so many sides they say to watch out for I'm just looking for the major signs I guess)

Thanks again for your help cbdb 

Hey I'm 33 y/o worked construction all my life had an accident at 27 fell wrecked my back and hip. Have si joint dysfunction and just had PRP therapy (platelet rich plasma) which basically scared my ligaments back together now I need to break the scarring to get the ligaments more mobile. I am currently taking hgh for ligament repair(not prescribed). I lost my source for hgh and am looking for a new one. If anyone knows a solid supplier please hit me up. Thanks 
You might this info .Please consult with a healthcare professional for a proper evaluation and personalized advice

Already consulted a physician, my test is 13ng to high for trt,and they have left me in pain for 5 years before doing anything ..... so I have 0 faith in doctors and my healthcare system.....

Thanks for the advice tho.