Low carb/keto vegan diet

Veges and meats is what i do. Use my carbs only before and after the gym, i can eat quit abit of carbs and stay in keto because i have such a high work put doing 2 a days. 

Find some decent spices to make life bearable. Alot of types of hot sauces have no carbs as well

To be honest it's nearly impossible to do keto vegan. Low carb isn't as hard but true keto I'd argue is almost impossible if you don't rely on completely processed foods (which is terrible for your health and the environment). Even the article posted here says to stay under 35g carbs, unless you're a 200+lb bodybuilder or a genetic freak 35g of carbs isn't going to get you into ketosis. If you were in ketosis for months/years on a regular meat based diet, you could probably stay in at 35g of carbs. But for a female let's say 150lb you really need to be under 25g with 15 of those coming from fibre.

Misinformed people think keto is low carb but it's not. I hear everyone doing the keto diet starting their day with fruit. The media has completely butchered the keto diet into some form of low carb mismash. 

A 2,000 calorie diet on keto would be 175-180g fat or 1,600 calories, 85-90g protein or 350 calories and 40-60 calories of carbs not net carbs, total carbs. Sugar and starch as a biproduct of fibre. A muscle building keto you'd double the protein, keep the carbs and total calories the same. After doing this for 3+ months you could get a little more liberal available increase to 30gish of carbs.

I'd enjoy seeing a plant base diet that could actually follow that.

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To be honest it's nearly impossible to do keto vegan. Low carb isn't as hard but true keto I'd argue is almost impossible if you don't rely on completely processed foods (which is terrible for your health and the environment). Even the article posted here says to stay under 35g carbs, unless you're a 200+lb bodybuilder or a genetic freak 35g of carbs isn't going to get you into ketosis. If you were in ketosis for months/years on a regular meat based diet, you could probably stay in at 35g of carbs. But for a female let's say 150lb you really need to be under 25g with 15 of those coming from fibre.

Misinformed people think keto is low carb but it's not. I hear everyone doing the keto diet starting their day with fruit. The media has completely butchered the keto diet into some form of low carb mismash. 

A 2,000 calorie diet on keto would be 175-180g fat or 1,600 calories, 85-90g protein or 350 calories and 40-60 calories of carbs not net carbs, total carbs. Sugar and starch as a biproduct of fibre. A muscle building keto you'd double the protein, keep the carbs and total calories the same. After doing this for 3+ months you could get a little more liberal available increase to 30gish of carbs.

I'd enjoy seeing a plant base diet that could actually follow that.
Interesting post. I'm 5ft3 and 136lbs. I never bothered counting the macros to be honest. I struggle to eat but what bothers me most is that I'm a carb addict. I want to keep them as low as possible but after reading a lot I might not be a good candidate for keto.