Madol and igf des log


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Oct 7, 2018
Got my bt madol in yesterday and finally got my igf des in today from northern peptides, sponsor here. Will be doing a daily log of these items. I'll be juicing some angry unicorns aswell. I was convinced after reading  @eazy57 log. Below will be my dosages. It's showtime

50mcg des split bilaterally

30 madol

50 grams carbs pre,

70 grams intra.


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clean that table bro lol

youll thank me after when you do this cycle,igf des took physique to another level

Im running Madol very very soon after a bast of SARMs just to see what's UP 

You'll enjoy it man. I plan on running again in a few months. Madol coupled with stanolone was great for strength and libido. I've been off both since Thursday and I'm still a walking boner. Its awesome, especially for an old guy like me.

What dosage did you run easy?
I had one bottle on hand so I ran it between 20-30 mg preworkout. I would try it again around 40mg.

I don't always think that more is better, but I  was running it winstrol and stanolone. I'd drop the winstrol next time to assess the effects better. I'd keep the stanolone. 

30mg madol,2 scoops of this crazy ass unicorn pre workout and 50mcg igf des split bilaterally in each bi. I am doing a lean bulk so calories are above maintenance.60 grams carbs pre workout and 60 intra)

did 3 tabs 30 min and des right before and all I can say is wow,my strength is insane,stamina is unreal. My vascularity has got my veins popping(this must be the des effect). Ive done des twice before and 50mcg didn't have this effect but that was also some Chinese shit.  I was slamming 30lbs curls in ease. I do a lot of time under tension training with a 6 second per rep with full squeeze. typically I do 4 sets of curls as my first exercise,around 15 reps/set with full 5-6 seconds per rep and by 4th set I am quite fatigued.  This time around I increased weight after first set to 30,did last set at 35 with full form. That is a huge increase for me. I can straight up say that even after my full workout I had energy left in me and all my lifts went up in either weights or reps. This is gonna be a jamming 12 days of madol and igf des by then my test and eq will have kicked in and ill stop orals and des 

Tomorrow is chest,i typically do 60 lbs/side for 6 sets  on bench as my first exercise with the same TUT protocol. TUT has changed my life,i suggest some of y'all give it a shot. I been making steady gains,my muscles actually have stamina and are usable unlike most lifters I seen. I also do some boxing for fun so gotta keep myself mobile and going

Should also mention that I started my injects yesterday,test e and eq. I usually kickstart with orals and drop them in 2 weeks. This will also give me an idea on how madol and des work without any oils in my system yet


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I may try madol by itself without des to see what does what as both are very fast acting compounds

I had one bottle on hand so I ran it between 20-30 mg preworkout. I would try it again around 40mg.

I don't always think that more is better, but I  was running it winstrol and stanolone. I'd drop the winstrol next time to assess the effects better. I'd keep the stanolone. 
Thanks brother

I am going to grab some so this gives me a good idea

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Quick Breakdown,

I did madol alone yesterday and igf des alone today. That way I can see what does what

Madol is like halo,tons of strength

Igf des gave me lots of stamina with some strength and that would be due to the carbs hitting the muscles as I work out. Together I am McLovin these 2 together. Just wanted to give  a quick update,i'll do a more detailed write up in a bit. My ass is starving

Quick Breakdown,

I did madol alone yesterday and igf des alone today. That way I can see what does what

Madol is like halo,tons of strength

Igf des gave me lots of stamina with some strength and that would be due to the carbs hitting the muscles as I work out. Together I am McLovin these 2 together. Just wanted to give  a quick update,i'll do a more detailed write up in a bit. My ass is starving
Thanks brother

That's some good advice there too. I appreciate it bro

My bad ladies and gents,had a few busy days with work and travelling. 

I did use madol and igf separately to see what each thing does and I did a mini post on it. Now these 2 bad boys should definitely be used together in my opinion as they seem to compliment each other. My stamina,energy,power have all shot up drastically and all felt on the first day. 

I said before in my first post that I do a lot of TUT(TIme Under Tension) workouts and it is intense and drains you. My workouts are all fully based on mind to muscle connection and stimulation. I don't care for lifting heavy. 

I did my leg workout yesterday,same protocol of 30mg madol and 50mcg des split in each quad. I have 2 leg days a week ,I separate quads and hams.

Yesterday was my quad and calves day,i do my typical 45 a side(135 total) for 5 sets and 10 reps,each rep is 6 seconds long. Extremely tiring and draining but the density of my muscle is off the charts. With the madol,i flew by 6 sets and did 9 sets of 10 reps. And I still felt good

Did leg extensions for about 120 lbs as my first set,felt light and easy,mind you this is after my squats. I typically do 4 sets of leg extensions ,I still did 4 but increase the weight to 135 and still had energy and went on to do calves.

My oils have not kicked in yet which is perfect because it is helping me understand how powerful and potent madol and igf des are. For the people who want to train hard and gain lean mass, you have to try this combo

From my experience, when I ran madol I was already running a tren cycle with winstrol. Then I added madol and stanolone on top of that. 

I can attest to very clean gains. No bloat and definite strength gains. 

In January I am going to run it again, likely with stanolone again to gauge the effects for about 4 weeks. After that amount of time you can get far past any sort of perceived effect and reliably report in its true abilities. 

But for the few week I ran it with other compounds were impressive. 

@eazy57 I did my orals the same day I did my first inject that way I can see how these bad boys work. My test and eq wont be kicking in fully just yet but the test is doing its thing because the morning wood is getting stronger each day. I will be done madol soon but all I can say is madol is just like halo for me but I felt clear. Didn't have this anger or aggression that I had with halo. 30mg was my sweet spot and each workout was intense but I was strong as eff. The des with the carbs intra workout gave me stamina and I wasn't tiring down. I aint much of an oral type of guy(unless its sex) but this was off the charts for me. Also because my calories were higher and my life is perfect,mood is solid. I look at gear as a way to enchance myself but if my mood is shit then everything is shit. I will be stopped madol and des soon and will use intra cycle when I feel I plateauing . To all you lifters,try my combo out. I prefer des over 1lr3. I will be adding hgh into my cycle now at 10iu a day for 20 days and then at 5iu pre workout only. I listed my dosages below,if you bro's have any suggestions,i'd like to hear it

Bt and Northern Peptides

750 mg test e

900 eq

10iu gh/day pre workout and pre bed(5iu each)

des 50mcg bilaterally

madol 30mg