Mrs Talons LOG


Aug 15, 2018
Okay so the wife will be on here shortly to start her log she will be using BT  running Var and MK 677  she will keep the log running and I will let her populate it.  But im glad to see her do this as its really putting herself out there,   we have a great dr who has given her Victoza to help with the Var and will be keeping an eye on her cholesterol and will run blood tests every 4 weeks.  this will really kick her weight loss in the ass...she has really been working hard and you can see it in her she has smashed 9 pounds off in the last few weeks since using GH but the dr wants to try this now apparently its wicked stuff and with the var it going to be interesting.  she is going to run the log from here on out as well I don't know Mrs T or whatever name she uses.  and will continue this log.   Her goal is to show the other ladies who may be struggling that there is hope and if you work hard enough and communicate with your DR a lot can happen.   Im sure she will be picking the ladies brains in here as well we have some bad ass lady lifters in this forum....

Cheers Guys and STAY TUNED

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okay here we go  starting weight 182lb yesturday

she started Victoza at 1.2 mg every day

anavar 5mg to start and we will ramp it up from there

she will not be fasting due to Victoza but I will have her carb cycling and doing her protein shakes in the AM,,,, goal here will be her eating 3 meals a day with snacks in between,

she and I work out 5 days a week for 1 hour to 1 hr 15 5 days a week

so here we go day one she woke up feeling a tad nauseous but went back to sleep right away woke up no problem went to the scale and was already down 1 pound.

Victoza is only being used to help her get the weight she gained when she blew her knee out and quite her workouts when I got sick she didn't go we are starting from scratch and it took her 7 months to loose 14 pounds nothing was working so I finally after 10 years got permission from her to train her LMAO . before all the crap she was 114 pounds so we will get her to about 145 to 150 as she wants muscle and a lot of it.  so we are going to do that.  2 months in the gym everyday and nothing was working so its time to hit the hormones 

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well here is where we are at day 3 she is now at 178 so has lost 4 pounds over the last 2 days being on Victoza.  This seems to have super charged her metabolism and is causing. dramatic weight loss as this medication is expected to do if you eat clean and don't start from the plan.  we will be hitting the gym this morning and get into the meal routine. for the 6 or 7 hour window we can eat.   she will be starting her var min ir Tuesday and will run a 4 week cycle to start this is getting interresting

power couple
we are getting there I have now added an inch to my arms which is insane and she is really been kicking ass in the gym today was a leg day

she did

leg curls 4x10

hamstring curls 4x10

squats 4x10

donkey calves 4x failure

sumo squats 4x failure

standing calf raises 4 x to failure

she battled through it like a trooper and is really doing well the vcitoza is kicking her ass as in zapping her of strength and energy she is barely able to eat I have to think it works in 2 ways 1 controls appetite and 2 it must play a role in IGF because she said and I quote the pumps feel like her muscles will pp out of her skin.   this to me tells the story of increased  IFG levels.  Im no expert but from what I have read this is a sign.   

Cool. I enjoy reading people's first hand experience. Especially since my wife is getting back into the gym as well. 

My husband wants me to post in this log so bare with me lol I've never done this before. I tend to ramble lol 

 I've been on Victoza for 3 days and the side effects are brutal but the results are worth it. The nausea is constant, makes eating anything a struggle. But its important to push past it and eat small amounts throughout the day. The dizziness subsided after day 2 and I feel exhausted all the time.But I've dropped 4lbs in 2 days. To me this injectable medication is a miracle. 

 With the gym 1hour a day 5 days a week, the healthy diet and this medication the weight should FINALLY melt off. I'm excited to add the Var my husband has told me about.

 Since the Victoza a full day of eating looks like this:

Breakfast: Coffee , 1peice of toast or a banana ( used to be a protein shake but not since the medication)

Gym : 1 hour

lunch: half an apple.or an egg 

snack: 4 cashews 

dinner: 4 ounces of chicken breast or 4 oz of steak and some sort of veggie ( carrots, broccoli etc, no potatoes)

Not a lot I know, but with this medication I have no appetite. 

I'm hoping with time the side effects will go away and I'll be able to add more food. 

 I hope I didnt ramble too much lol 

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My husband wants me to post in this log so bare with me lol I've never done this before. I tend to ramble lol 

 I've been on Victoza for 3 days and the side effects are brutal but the results are worth it. The nausea is constant, makes eating anything a struggle. But its important to push past it and eat small amounts throughout the day. The dizziness subsided after day 2 and I feel exhausted all the time.But I've dropped 4lbs in 2 days. To me this injectable medication is a miracle. 

 With the gym 1hour a day 5 days a week, the healthy diet and this medication the weight should FINALLY melt off. I'm excited to add the Var my husband has told me about.

 Since the Victoza a full day of eating looks like this:

Breakfast: Coffee , 1peice of toast or a banana ( used to be a protein shake but not since the medication)

Gym : 1 hour

lunch: half an apple.or an egg 

snack: 4 cashews 

dinner: 4 ounces of chicken breast or 4 oz of steak and some sort of veggie ( carrots, broccoli etc, no potatoes)

Not a lot I know, but with this medication I have no appetite. 

I'm hoping with time the side effects will go away and I'll be able to add more food. 

 I hope I didnt ramble too much lol 
Welcome to the board! And good luck on your run will be following the log

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Just be careful when eating such a little amount of food you don't experience metabolic damage. Your body will actually go into fat sparing mode as it thinks you are starving. 

No need to rush your results. A pound or two a week is a healthy barometer. 

Welcome to the board. I'm in for the follow. I think I'm going to get my wife in for a peek as well. 


Just be careful when eating such a little amount of food you don't experience metabolic damage. Your body will actually go into fat sparing mode as it thinks you are starving. 

No need to rush your results. A pound or two a week is a healthy barometer. 

Welcome to the board. I'm in for the follow. I think I'm going to get my wife in for a peek as well. 
happened to me today. Ate a bag of onion rings...not good at all

Oh I agree, completely.  I'd rather drop 2 pounds a week healthy and keep it off then the 5 pounds I dropped in 6 days.  But unfortunately I'm still in the early side effects stage of the medication my Dr  prescribed making eating anything a challenge. I'm never hungry and when I do eat I get really nauseous.  So I am forcing as much food into as possible right now. Thankfully , these side effects should stop by week 2. Then I can go back to eating a normal healthy diet. 

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I was told I need to log again today. Not really sure what to say. 

I am down 5lbs since my first post. I have 38 pounds to go. I haven't started my cycle of Var yet, thanks for that Canada Post.

 My husband posted today's workout in his log. 

Yesterday was triceps/biceps 

Today was shoulders

Tomorrow is back ( I really dislike tomorrow already) 

Lifting weights is definitely getting a little easier and I was able to increase the weights this week (so far)