My new vortex kog


Aug 15, 2018
Okay lifters.. 

I am running 

100mg test cyp EW

100mg tren ace eod

50 mg proviron es

Prami Ed

Okay starting weight was 193 and I was 14% Bf Starting out.  I am on a calorie reduced diet 1600 to 1800 cal a day and intense lifting 5x a week. 2 days hard cardio on recovery days.  I am doing one lex exercise per day so legs are always worked

 Week 2 and so far no night sweats.  I am combating trensomnia with cannabis oil and CBD at bed.  I am dealing with tren rage by taking very low dose resparidol which has been a life saver on my family.

Okay here we go on week 2 end I weighed in at 208 lbs.  I am eating clean but I am blown away that I gained this much weight after 2 weeks of tren.  I have never been this lean running tren before but I can attest that the body comp changes started for me week 2 .

Attached is a photo taken at the beginning of my cycle and i will take one Friday to mark week 3 end.

I may run somen hgh frag to drop the BF quicker and may play with upping the tren this week also.  I am not going to lie I am pretty new to tren only had 2 successful runs with it because I bitched out due to alot of problems with temper and lack of sleep but I am dialed right in and am always open to suggestions wanna hit 8% bf by xmas


Will be following also. You look way bigger than your starting weight. Good luck with your cycle. 😀

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Will be following also. You look way bigger than your starting weight. Good luck with your cycle. 😀
I was asked by a buddy the other week my weight I told him 195 he thought 210.  Now I say 208 and everyone laughed and says no way bigger.  I got on scale today at gym 100% 208.  I am blown away becUse I dont feel that it see it.  Abs are coming in nice I am abit water logged today from too much sodium yesturday going to clean that up 
